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y/n pov
i opened my eyes and had a pounding headache. i rubbed my eyes and sat up. i looked around the room and saw dark posters covering the walls. "what the hell.." i mumbled. suddenly, i realized there was someone beside me in the bed. red and black hair peered out from under the blanket and my face flushed pink. pete. i smiled and pulled the blanket up. he groaned and looked up at me. "y/n.. you're awake." "got any advil?" he nodded and sat up.

the light shined through the window on his shirtless figure and my eyes widened. hot. i looked down and realized i wasn't in my dress but was in a large tshirt. "did you change me?" "henrietta did. the others are probably asleep downstairs." i nodded "how did i get here?" "it's.. a long story.. you should ask michael. but first we've gotta get ready for school." i nodded and we stood up. i grabbed his hand for support and both of our faces flushed pink. "s..sorry i just felt dizzy." i explained. "no it's fine, i'm glad you trust me for support." i smiled at him.

before anything, i examined his face. his black eyeliner was smudged under his bright blue orbs. the red lipstick from his face was smeered down his lip and his foundation was splotchy. nevertheless, he was still quite beautiful. i smiled up at him and he smiled down to me. then there was a knock at the door. "you guys up?" it was henrietta. i let go of pete's hand and answered "yeah come in" she walked in and her makeup was smudged and her face was tear stained. "oh thank cthulhu you're okay." she said with a gentle smile.

"wha- why wouldn't i be?" she gave a nervous look "ask michael.. he's downstairs and pretty upset still." "i'm so confused" i said with nervous eyes. she nodded and we all began to walk downstairs. michael was sitting on the couch beside firkle. i sat down next to michael and he gave me a nervous look. henrietta and pete sat on the other seat and i smiled at michael. "good morning" "hey y/n." "hi." he seemed.. different. we kissed last night. my eyes widened as the memory popped into my head.

he smirked, as if he realized what i remembered. my face got red and then his face flushed pale again. "last night.. what do you remember?" pete asked. "i remember going into the kitchen with wendy and her leaving me with kyle after she'd given me two drinks. then kyle went and got me a drink and i saw michael." i looked at him with a blush. "then kyle came back and michael was gone. my drink tasted funny and then he asked to dance. i said yes and he brought me to the living room. he gave me another drink and then i felt really sick."

everyone was nodding and i was thinking about what had happened next. "oh! then someone sat next to me." "do you remember who.." michael asked calmly. "i- no? i cant remember who.. i don't think i know who he was. do any of you remember seeing this? i don't know what happened next." "well.." henrietta started "wait.." i said. he brought me to dance and touched me.. i said no. "i said no" my eyes widened and filled with water. "what?" firkle said. "i said no to him.. he kept touching me.. did any of you see who it was?" i stood up and michael stood beside me. "yes."

"who?" he looked down at me with a sympathetic look. "y/n.." "who was it?" "you don't know him." "what's his name?" "clyde." "isn't that.. wait isn't he dating.. what's her name.." "nicole." "yes that's who.. wait it was him?" they nodded and i looked at michael. "how did i get here?" "after he touched you i.. i grabbed him. he dropped you and henrietta picked you up and gave you to pete. i beat the living shit out of him. then we took you here. henrietta changed you and firkle cleaned your face up. i carried you upstairs and pete slept on the floor in case you needed someone."

my face became red. he didn't know pete slept in the bed with me. i nodded and hugged michael. he seemed taken back by the affection and slowly hugged back. "thank you.. thank you all." i stepped back "i don't know you very well but you're all good people and i'm extremely appreciative of you all." "you're special. i see that." michael said. butterflies appeared in my stomach and i blushed at his words. i looked at pete and he shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"we should get ready for school." henrietta said. "yeah i agree." firkle said. "i'm gonna kill clyde.." "donavan." michael finished for me. "i'm gonna kill clyde donavan." i said confidently. though i tried to sound brave, on the inside i was breaking. i was assaulted two weeks into living here. this was a living nightmare for me. even worse, nicole is dating a guy who cheats on her and assaults women. i need to tell her. i walked with pete to his room and he handed me a change of clothes "these don't fit me, you'll look goth but you'll look good." he smiled.

michaels pov
she didn't mention the kiss. why didn't she mention the kiss? did she not want anyone to know? is she ashamed? does she like someone else? does she like pete? why did she hug me? why do i feel so protective over her? what's wrong with me. these things ran through my head as i changed. i sat on the couch and looked at the photo i had taken of her in cheer. she was happy. she looked like she was about to breakdown and cry earlier.

if i were her, i would too. she looked so hurt, so betrayed, so broken. the look wasn't unfamiliar. i've seen other girls with that look and now i know why. clyde will be in school today i'm sure and y/n is going to expose him for what he did. people only think i fought him because i was drunk.. but now everyone's going to know the truth. when she came down the stairs she was in a long black skirt with fishnets on her stomach. she wore a black crop top with her black boots. her y/hc swayed as she stepped down the steps carefully.

pete had done her makeup to match ours. a black smokey eye, and black lipstick. she looked absolutely stunning. pete stood beside her and looked extremely proud of himself. he said something and she giggled. why do i feel.. jealous? i smiled at her and she gave me a toothy grin. "what do you think? is this anticonformist enough for you?" i let a small laugh out and she smiled at me. "it looks good. as good as it can on someone like you." i smirked and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"now that i'm badass as fuck, it's time to go murder clyde." i smiled at her enthusiasm. "let's do it then." i said as we walked out. pete got in the front and she got in the passengers seat. "she has potential." firkle said to me. "she's perfect." "what?" "huh?" he rolled his eyes and we got in the car and made our way to school. y/n looked so determined. when we walked in, the hall went quiet. i wasnt sure if it was because y/n was dressed goth and with us or because they saw me. either was a win in my book. then clyde turned into this hall and y/n locked eyes with him.

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