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y/n pov
when class ended i grabbed my bag and tossed the books in it. i turned back to see the tall boy and pete mid conversation so i tapped the boys shoulder. he looked down at me and i immediately flushed red. he was probably around 6'3 and towered over me. "thank you for- for the pen" i said as i held it up for him to grab. "keep it, you never know when you'll need a pen in this shithole." "oh i- thank you" i said with a nervous laugh. "what's your name again?"

"michael, you are?" "y/n.. it's nice to meet you." he raised an eyebrow and looked behind me. i turned to see everyone had left the room and the light was shut off. "michael let's go" pete said. i looked over at him and he looked at me "thank you for directions, i wouldn't have found the class without you." "oh uh no problem i guess. we gotta go, seeya around." i walked out and they trailed behind. i turned to see them walk out one of the exit doors. strange. then i went to my locker and grabbed the physics book i needed for next period.

michaels pov
"she is way too nice." pete said as i lit my cigarette. "such a preppy bitch." he continued. "just chill out." "what? don't you agree?" just then, henrietta and firkle walked outside. finally. the subject was immediately changed to something about poetry but my mind was still stuck on that girl. she was short but perfectly proportioned. her hair was perfectly laid out and the way she walked was exquisite. "michael? michael hello?" "huh what?" i said as i dropped my cigarette to the ground. "nevermind asshole." henrietta said. then the bell rang.

y/n pov
"yeah they're like terrible news." wendy said. "how interesting." i said unenthusiastically. "you should sit with us at lunch!" one of the girls suggested. just then they all were agreeing and ushering me to sit with them. "uh yeah maybe." i said. "sounds good! if you do, you'll see us and we will definitely save you a seat girl!" heidi said. "that sounds nice." this time i was being genuine. having a friend group sounded nice. but being involved in a group that shit talked the group that intrigued me was annoying.

the bell rang and the girls all began on their ways to class. i looked down at my paper and noticed i had gym. wendy mentioned earlier she had this with me so i decided i'd follow her. i watched her turn the hall and ran to follow her. when we walked into the gym she turned to me and smiled "i have an extra uniform you can borrow if you need it." she said. i nodded and she grabbed my hand, pulling me into the locker room. she handed me the clothes and we all changed into the uniforms.

the gray tank top and shorts were a bit revealing but i sort of liked it. i pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked out of the locker room. i heard yelling and looked over to see pete, michael, and a girl arguing with the teacher. he yelled something and walked away, the group all laughing. i walked up to them and waved. "hey pete! michael!" i said a bit too excitedly. "who's the conformist" the girl said to michael. "y/n, this is henrietta." "nice to meet you, you're very pretty." she looked taken back by my comment. "oh uh.. thanks?"

i nodded and looked over to the girls who were all silently staring at us. "oh so uh.. why was he yelling?" "we won't conform and put on the uniform. he said he'd take points off and we told him to eat it." pete said. i smiled and nodded "yeah uh.. it's actually not that bad but i see the point." a whistle blew and i turned around. "i've gotta go but i hope to see you guys around." "bye y/n" michael said. "bye michael, pete, nice meeting you henrietta!" i waved as i ran up to wendy.

"what're you doing talking to them?" "oh i was thanking pete for directions earlier." "oh okay. remember what we said." i nodded "oh y/n!" bebe yelled. i looked at her with a smile and she gave a smirk "after school today we're doing tryouts for cheer. will you come, pleeease?" i made a weird noise and the girls began pleading with me. i groaned and caved "i mean i guess but just because you asked nicely." they all cheered and i looked back over at the goths. pete and henrietta were in conversation but michael sent a wink my way.

a blush rose to my cheeks and i looked down to my feet. soon gym was in full action and games of volleyball were being played all around. i was on a team with red and she made sure i got the ball as much as i could. on the bleachers sat michael, pete, and henrietta. pete's eyes stayed glued to me. everytime i looked up he was staring me down. michael occasionally shot me a smirk but not as much as pete was. i was finishing up the game with the group when the bell rang for us to go change.

as i walked out i handed wendy her uniform and she smiled "grab one from the office later." she said. i nodded and walked into the hallway. i looked up and noticed i was near my locker so i went to it to grab the book for my next class. beside my locker was a boy digging through his own. i quietly opened it and grabbed the book. "hey you're y/n right?" the boy said. i turned to him and took his appearance in. there wasn't much to see since his orange parka hoodie covered his features, but he wasn't ugly.

"yeah, you are?" "kenny, mccormick. it's nice meeting you." he said as he held a hand out "you as well." i said with a smile. he gently shook my hand and then let go. "how do you like it here?" he asked with genuine interest shining through. he seemed so sweet. "it's alright. the girls are nice but a bit.. pushy." i said with a slight laugh. he nodded "yeah you're telling me. plus, a ton of them are ran through." "are they? i would have never guessed." sarcasm laced my voice and he smiled.

"what class do you have next?" he asked. "i have.. math. you?" "me too. my friends do too so you can meet them." "oh cool." i smiled and he lead the way to the classroom. as we walked in, three boys waved kenny over to them. i trailed behind and sat down beside kenny and another boy. "guys this is y/n. y/n this is stan, kyle, and cartman." "dude she's totally hot" cartman whispered a bit too loud to kenny. i rolled my eyes "it's nice meeting you guys." i said. "wendy told me about you, she said you're sweet."

stan seemed annoyed at mentioning the girls name. i brushed it off and nodded "uh yeah i try." "so small talk aside, do you have a boyfriend?" kenny asked. i groaned "no, and you're not even the first to ask me that." i laughed and cartman followed. "who else asked?" stan quizzed. "wendy actually, she said she'd help find me a boyfriend but that's not a priority right now." "well what is?" kyle asked. i looked at him and noticed his ginger curls peering through his hat. cute. "well i guess finding a friend group i really fit into. that's it."

"that's it?" cartman asked. i nodded "you can totally hang with us if you want, you seem super chill." stan said. i smiled and nodded "thanks." i slid my phone to him and he put his number in. then he passed it around to his friends and they all added their numbers. it felt nice to be able to make friends so easily here. soon the class began and i had the four of them help me through the lesson since i was a bit behind. i was glad i had help, not help from annoying girls who just care about who's purse is cutest or who has the best shoes.

after class, i had lunch. i decided that sitting alone would probably be best and i wanted to be outside. i grabbed a bag of chips and went out to the courtyard. i sat down on a bench and put earbuds in. music flowed through my ears as i munched away at the chips. i felt myself become less alone and looked to my right. a lanky goth with a smirk had his arm wrapped around me. to my left was another goth, this one holding my phone scrolling for music. goddamn you pete and michael. "you fucks probably scared her." henrietta said from behind me.

"oh no i'm just confused." i said with a nervous laugh. "well darling" pete said as he looked up from my phone "we wanted to invite you to coffee with us to get to know you." "me?" michael nodded and i smiled "oh cool, when?" "after school, i drive" pete said. "shit i would but i'm trying out for cheer." "that's quite conformist but to each her own." henrietta said as she took a drag from her cigarette.

"i'm sorry, maybe next time?" "of course love." michael said as he stood up. "see you around, pet." he said as he stepped back. pete smiled and they all began to walk behind the school. the whole thing felt like a dream. being invited out by them; the flirting between me and the two, well mostly them to me; and just everything. i was overwhelmed to say the least. as lunch came to an end, i was glad i didn't sit with the girls. i'm sure they'd understand i wanted alone time, though i wasn't alone and i didn't want to be.

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