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y/n pov
i woke up and michael was beside me. i kissed his forehead and smiled. his eyes slowly opened and i brushed the hair out of his face. "good morning" i said softly. "hey.." he smiled and i sat up. he sat up beside me and touched my neck gently "ow" i said as i put my hand over his "you're bruised" my eyes widened and i turned my head away "i'm fine michael" "no you're not and we're not doing that ever again, especially that rough." my eyes widened and i looked at him.

"you didn't like it?" he shook his head "what? no no no no no it was amazing, you were amazing, i just can't stand hurting you." i gave him a soft kiss and smiled "it doesn't hurt that bad. and i'm glad you did it, it felt good in the moment." he rolled his eyes and smirked as he stood up. "want to go out to breakfast?" i nodded and stood up. he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a kiss. "what's that for?" he shrugged "because i love you. let's go." i nodded and he grabbed his keys from my dresser.

we walked down the steps and slid our shoes on. we went outside and got into his car. he drove us to denny's and we went inside and sat down. "what are you hungry for?" he asked with a soft grin. "waffles and bacon. you?" "french toast you weirdo." "french toast is gross what?" we both laughed and then i sighed "please never fight with me again." "deal." i smiled and held his hands from across the table. "you're absolutely wonderful." i said. he blushed and my eyes widened "no way you just blushed."

then, our food was set down in front of us. i heard the door ring and looked over to see cartman and wendy walk in together. "what are they doing here?" "you haven't heard?" he asked as he ate his food. "heard what?" "they're a couple now." "what? no way." he laughed and nodded "no i know right? she really gets passed around." "no i'm more shocked that he pulled her?" i replied. they sat down relatively close to us and i rolled my eyes "but yes she does get passed around quite a bit." we shared a laugh and i ate my food.

after an hour, we paid and left. it was saturday so there wasn't much to do. we watched movies mostly all day and then decided to text the other goths to have them come over my house. pete was busy but the others came. we all got together in my room and had snacks and pizza as henrietta put in the movie 'saw.' "this is my favorite" michael said proudly. "i've never seen them" firkle said. my eyes widened "what? dude they're so good." "oh my cthulhu yeah and they don't make any sense unless you watch all of them."

we sat through 3 movies before it was 9:30 and firkle had to go home. henrietta sat in my beanbag chair while michael sat on my bed beside me. "so are you two official now?" she asked. i looked at him and he nodded "yeah." "did you guys hang last night?" i blushed and shook my head "what no!" "why is your neck bruised? abusing her already?" henrietta said as she stood up. "no no no!" michael and i yelled at the same time. "we had sex." i said, shame lacing my voice. she laughed and i rolled my eyes.

"it was good too." i said, she groaned "gross stop." "she was like 'oh yes michael give it to me!'" "he was like 'oh fuck you're sooo tight y/n! you like that you whore?'" "you two are disgusting!" she yelled as she covered her ears. we both laughed and she rolled her eyes. "i hate you two." i smiled and she smirked "i gotta get home, but i'll see you two monday?" we nodded and i got up and hugged her. "love you" "love you too girl" i said as she left my room.

i sat down on the bed beside michael and we laid back. "how are you feeling?" "sore, but comfortable." he smirked and kissed my temple. "you really are beautiful." i blushed and held onto him. "i'm also extremely tired, are you?" he nodded and i slipped my shorts off. he smirked and i lightly punched his chest, "not again! we need to wait." he raised an eyebrow and we laughed "chill." he said, "that's not all i want from you." i blushed and laid down on his chest. thoughts raced through my head as i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

as monday morning rolled around, i stood up from michaels bed and rubbed my eyes. he was asleep and his phone was going off. i decided not to be nosey and i got dressed. a few minutes later it rang again and i woke him up. "huh what? oh good morning" he smiled. i rolled my eyes "your phones going off like crazy." "it is?" i nodded and he shrugged "scammers maybe." "yeah maybe." i mumbled. we got ready for school and soon we were out the door. when we walked in, wendy was beside cartman and she gave me a weird look.

"what's that all about?" i asked michael. he shrugged and i raised an eyebrow "she's jealous i'm sure." he said, shrugging again. i sighed and we parted ways. he went out the back to smoke as if he hadn't smoked 5 minutes ago. i opened my locker and grabbed what i needed before closing it again. when i closed it i turned to my left and saw clyde walking down the hallway. he smirked at me and i backed into the locker. he laughed and walked by. i frowned and then wendy walked up to me. "hey y/n."

"oh uh hi?" "look i want to get to the point. did you tell stan about me and michael?" i shook my head "i told kyle but he must have told him. it wasn't me." "okay, thanks. i don't want any bad blood between us." "oh yeah for sure wendy." i forced and smile and she sighed "so he's with kyle now?" she nodded "yeah.. our exes are together. isn't that funny." she replied with a laugh. i nodded and smirked "it's such a  small town it feels like everyone's dated." "yeah i know, it sucks. that's why the guys were so happy when you moved here." "what?"

"well you're the shiney new toy and they wanted to see who could try you out first." my eyes widened and i raised an eyebrow "what are you talking about?" she shrugged "i don't mean it in a harsh way, it's like meat to a pack of wolves. they'll fight over it to get the best part and then they're done with it." i furrowed my eyebrows and she laughed "you're cool though. i'm sure michael will be good to you." her tone sounded sarcastic and she turned on her heel to walk away. she smirked and walked up to cartman. leaving me alone.

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