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nobody's pov
as 7pm rolled around, everyone was getting their dates for pictures. kenny was at y/ns doorstep with a pretty pink flower for her. he knocked and she opened the door with a wide smile on her face. "you ready?" he said with excitement in his voice. "uh yeah!" she laughed. they got in her car and snapped a few photos before driving to stans for more photos. when they arrived, y/n noticed stan, kyle, tweek, and craig, nicole, and token there. "wait i'm confused" she whispered to kenny.

they sat in the car and talked while everyone else waited. "stan and kyle are.. yknow.." kenny said. y/n looked at him with wide eyes. "wait like they're?" kenny nodded and she smirked "i knew he wasn't straight. that's why it was so awkward kissing." the two laughed and got out of the car. they walked up to the door and went in. everyone smiled and stans mom began getting them into positions for pictures. they all took adorable couples pictures. y/n was excited to post hers online later that night. the clock read 7:26 and everyone piled into their cars.

they drove to southpark high and everyone went to kenny's car. y/n was confused but soon realized, he brought shots for everyone. as they downed them,
y/n refused and decided to be the designated driver. y/n looked to her left and saw henrietta and pete getting out of his car. she grabbed kenny and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "i'll meet you inside" she said. he nodded and blushed as she walked to her friends. "hey guys" she waved as she walked up.

y/n pov
henrietta smiled and i looked at pete "you look so good guys. i'm jealous." i said. "no you're beautiful" henrietta said. "yeah seriously stunning." pete agreed. i blushed and rolled my eyes. "where are firkle and his little date?" "you mean ike?" "kyle's brother?" i questioned. they nodded and i laughed "that's interesting. kyle's with stan now." "wait really?" pete asked. "that's cute." henrietta said with a smile. "now let's go dance!" they nodded and we all walked in. immediately, henrietta and pete started dancing. "conformists." i whispered and sat down. i knew coming to the dance would mean i'd be alone majority of the time.

michael would probably stand me up and i would be embarrassed. i stood up and looked for kenny. he was in the back of the room making out with lexus. i stepped back and sighed "figures." i said. i walked up to the refreshments table and grabbed a glass of whatever juice was there. i brought it to the bleachers and sat down. i rested my elbows on my knees and listened to the music. for about an hour, this was what i did. nobody bothered to see me. i wasn't mad that the goths didn't, they were with their dates and having a good time.

i was upset kenny ditched me and i was alone for the night. i closed my eyes and tears streamed down my cheeks silently. first love / late spring began playing and my eyes opened. i saw pete standing in front of me with wide eyes. "can i have this dance?" i smiled and nodded. i stood up and he swept me to the dance floor. i rested a hand on his shoulder and his on my waist. i looked him in the eyes and we began dancing. "y/n?" i hummed in response. "i.." he sighed. "pete?"

he looked at me and i smiled softly, "you're an amazing person." he blushed and i smiled. the lights dimmed and the music flowed around us. i put my head in his chest and he held me close. i closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of his cologne. i felt once again safe in a damned world. the feeling was different than anyone i'd ever experienced it with. but sadly enough, it was platonic. pete was perfect for me but we were too similar. i looked up at him and he smiled down at me. "you're beautiful." he said. i smiled and sighed. "thank you."

pete looked behind me and i gave him a puzzled look. "what is it?" i asked as i turned around. i held pete's hand tight as michael shifted uncomfortably from one leg to another. "hey" he said softly. as people realized he was here, they whispered and pointed at him. the music was blaring and i looked him in the eyes. "michael?" "y/n.. i need to tell you something." "what?" "i.. i love you." my eyes widened and i dropped pete's hand. "i know i've been shitty but it's because i've never felt this way."

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