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michaels pov
"she is really unbelievable." firkle said as i took a drag from my cigarette. "you're telling me." i rolled my eyes and leaned against the door. "so what's she dating kyle now?" firkle asked. "no and don't mention it to henrietta. she liked y/n. she wanted another girl in the group so just chill." i said calmly. then henrietta came outside. "y/n was just with wendy, stan, and kyle. isn't that weird? wendy like hates us. i bet she's scorching her right now." we all nodded and she raised an eyebrow. "what?"

"nothing henrietta." pete said. "no what is it?" "nothing okay just drop it." i said sternly. "are you jealous she's with broflovski? oh come on michael just-" "i said nothing. drop it now." i stood up and dropped my cigarette. i turned on my heel and walked inside the school. 8am and this bullshit already started. i went to my locker and opened it, looking for a new pack of cigarettes. i slammed the locker shut and turned to my left to see y/n gently stacking books in her own locker. she was alone. she looked tired.

i stood and watched what she was doing. she was simply reorganizing the way her books looked. she put a sweater into the locker and grabbed a pen and paper. she closed the locker and still didn't notice my presence. i saw her sit down and lean against the locker. she took the pen to the paper and began writing. i couldn't see it but if i could i'm sure it's a work of art. she speaks so beautifully and every word is crafted so elegantly. i stepped back and sighed. she wouldn't want me watching her, i'm probably a creep. she probably thinks i'm a weirdo.

y/n pov
as i slid down the locker, i caught a glimpse of black platform boots that belonged to my beloved michael. i smiled and sighed. i took the pen to the paper and began writing whatever i could.

the raven curls that fall in front of your crystal like eyes never show the same pattern. they remind me of your aura in a way, your soul. you're different than the rest of the people here. you see through people and know who they truly are. i'm sure that's why you were shocked to realize i was being genuine towards you. michael i share a true attraction to you but i won't allow you to break my heart. i know what you and wendy did for months behind stans back. your secret is safe with me but it hurts to see my friend be lied to. i care for you michael, i hope we can be friends. goodbye, y/n.

my eyes watered as i folded the note up. "god this is so dumb." i said to myself as i stood up. i crumbled the note up and tossed it in a trash can. i turned the hall and saw a boy with a blue hat. he turned to me and waved "uh hi" he said nervously. "hey.." "i'm craig." "y/n." "i know." "oh." i nodded. he's quite the dry person. "what're you doing out here?" i asked curiously. "waiting for tweek, we were skipping again." "that sounds fun" i smiled and he nodded "it usually is.. you wanna join us?" i nodded and he smiled "okay cool." just then, tweek walked the corner and waved to us. "y/n, this is tweek. tweek this is y/n." they shared a kiss and i awed.

"you two make quite the cute couple." "th..thanks
y/n.." tweek said anxiously. i smiled and we began to walk through the halls. skipping alone was fun but skipping with these two dorks was even better. we lapped the first floor and i noticed the bin i threw the letter into was empty. it was probably just the janitor. i pushed away the thoughts and we continued to talk. shortly after, we exchanged numbers and went on our separate ways to class. though the previous night was a disaster, i was glad to have still found myself making friends.

when school was over, i walked with wendy to stans car. "oh y/n i'm so excited. we're going to have so much fun." she said. i smiled and looked over to pete's car. he was alone and sent a smile my way. i waved and looked to see michael walking to pete's car. he didn't even bother to look at me. my eyes widened and i looked back towards wendy. "you okay?" she asked. i nodded and she smiled "okay good. what should we get for dinner?" "pizza maybe?" "okay whatever you'd like!" i giggled and we got in the car.

"my family is kind of.. weird." stan said. i shrugged and looked out the window "can't be worse than mine." we all listened to music as we drove home. we passed pete's house and i saw him and michael sitting on the roof smoking. i sighed and sat back in my seat. kyle placed his hand on mine gently and i blushed. we exchanged looks and i smiled to myself. maybe this wasn't such a bad choice after all. soon we arrived at stans house. we went inside and straight to stans room. "so this is my house."

"it's quite nice." i said as i traced my fingers along his desk. "cute dog." i said quietly. "stan come help me order food." wendy said. "why do you need my help?" he asked. "just come on." she said. i blushed as the two left the room, closing the door behind them. "so uh.. how was your day?" he asked as we sat beside eachother on the bed. "it was okay, you?" he shrugged "it never really changes. we got our positions in football, i made the team." he smiled proudly and i smiled. "that's amazing congratulations! i just made cheer."

"i was there actually, stan usually goes for wendy and he said the 'cute new girl' would be there so i went." he blushed and i smiled "you think i'm cute?" he smiled and nodded. michael thinks i'm cute. "thank you, you're cute too." we both laughed and i leaned my head on his shoulder. "you seem really cool kyle. i'm glad we met." "me too y/n. you're a really awesome girl." my eyes watered and i closed them hard. he placed a hand on mine and locked our fingers together. when i opened my eyes, i looked out the window.

snow was peacefully falling from the sky and i smiled. "the snow is so beautiful isnt it?" i said quietly. "i think.. i think you're much more beautiful y/n." "really?" he nodded and my eyes became wide. i found myself leaning in closer to kyle. our faces inches apart when wendy and stan burst in the door. "no sex on my bed!" stan yelled. we all began laughing and my face turned red, "i promise that was never the intention." "yeah okay, now back to this pizza!" i smiled and looked around at my new friends. only halfway happy with my choice.

pete's pov
"it doesn't seem fair that we can't be her friend if she dates broflovski." i said to michael. "it doesn't matter. she made her damn choice." "but
michael-" "no but michael. i'm sick of shit. love isnt real and i didn't love her. nobody said i did. it's stupid. a little crush maybe but not even that. just wanted to get my dick wet." "you don't mean that." i said to him. i knew he didn't mean that. and if he did it hurt hearing it, she deserves better.

michaels pov
it's not fair. she writes me some goodbye letter and can't even give it to me? she threw it away. maybe she didn't really mean it as goodbye forever, maybe goodbye for now. i sighed and looked at pete "i don't mean it. she deserves better than me." i looked down and he put a hand on my shoulder. "it's okay michael, it'll be okay." "i'm sure.. but it doesn't feel like it will be." i sighed and looked up. it began to snow softly. i smiled and remembered the first time i saw her rosy cheeks lying in the snow.

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