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y/n pov
a month had passed since michael and i had gotten together. things were going really well for us and well everyone in southpark. i turned 17 and tweeks parents decided that when he and i turned 18 we could have the cafe. i was ecstatic at that. michael had just turned 18 and he was so happy for a goth. pete still had feelings for me and disapproved of our relationship but he didn't let it get in the way of our friendship. wendy at times seemed jealous and she made some questionable comments.

it was a friday and tonight was the big game. northpark was coming to southpark and it was the last game of the season. stan and kyle were telling kenny and i how happy they were to be home for the game. i was nodding when michael came up and grabbed my waist. "cmon y/n let's go." "oh michael are you coming to the game tonight?" stan asked. he shrugged "those things are so conformist." "your girlfriend is going. right y/n?" kyle said with a smile. i nodded and michael groaned "then yes i guess i am going." "oh yeah" i smirked.

we then began to walk down the hallway. cartman and wendy turned the hall and she smirked to me and sent a flirty wave michael and is way. i raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. his eyes were stuck on her and i stopped walking. "what the hell michael?" "what?" he looked at me. i rolled my eyes "oh no yeah that's cool. just eye fuck wendy." "you act like kenny wasn't just eye fucking you." "he wasn't and even if he was i wasn't doing it back so why does it matter." "whatever just come on."

i groaned and we walked down the hallway and out the door. before the game, we had about an hour and we're going to the park with the other goths. as we got into michaels car; i wondered why he'd been acting so weird lately. he was protective over me in an extreme way and always lingered when i was around other people. it was weird how secretive he was about it too. i decided not to think about it and soon we were at the park. we walked up to the swings and i sat down beside pete. "hey"

"hey y/n." "how's your day been?" he shrugged "as usual. yours?" i sighed "can i talk to you? it's important." he nodded and we walked over to the slide and sat under it. "does michael seem.. odd to you?" he shrugged "michaels an odd person. he's not your typical person at all. why?" i shrugged "i don't know he's just been weird. are you going to the football game?" he nodded "he's always weird but yeah i am. stan asked and i couldn't say no." i smirked and he rolled his eyes "let's get back before your psycho boyfriend thinks i murdered or screwed you."

i laughed and we walked back. henrietta smiled at me and waved me over. "hey beautiful" "hi you preppy little bitch" i laughed and she smiled "preppy little beautiful bitch." michael corrected as he wrapped an arm around me. pete rolled his eyes and i sighed "thanks, shouldn't we get going soon?" "we've got like 20 minutes." "the ride is 10 and finding seats will be annoying." "fine, you guys ready?" they nodded and we got into cars, driving back to the hellhole we called school.

we all got tickets and i walked to the bleachers, the goths following. on the other side of the field, northparkers sat proudly. i sat down on a seat and henrietta sat on one side, while michael sat on the other. tonight was cold, the perfect night for a football game. i was expecting stan to ask kyle to prom after the game, especially if they won. soon the game began and i watched intently. by the first quarter, southpark was leading by 2 points. the cheerleaders came out and wendy smirked at me. she kicked me from the team last week because i 'didn't come to practice enough.'

they began cheering and wendy grabbed a microphone. "hey southpark!" the crowd cheered. michael smiled at her and my eyes glossed over. "tonight's a special night for a lot of us! especially me and my special someone. tonight i've got a surprise for everyone! let's win the game first!" she seemed so excited and i rolled my eyes and leaned on henriettas shoulder. she rubbed my arm and i smiled "she's an annoying bitch." henrietta said. i nodded and in the corner of my eye saw michael roll his eyes. my face flushed red and i cleared my throat.

the game continued and it was about to finish. southpark lead by 7 points and soon the clock ran out. southpark had one the final game and everyone stood up and cheered. wendy got on the mic again and everyone sat down. i sat up and furrowed my eyebrows "hello everyone! my name of most of you know is wendy and i've got some exciting news! first off, since we won, we're going to state! second off, i would like to thank the one person who has been there for me for the longest time." she smirked and i bit my lip.

please say stan. please say bebe. please say heidi. please say red. please say kyle. please say eric. "michael." my eyes widened and the crowed gasped and went silent. my face went white and he looked forward at her. "for the last two months we've been together, i just want to publicly say how much i love him." i looked at michael and his face was pale. his jaw was dropped and his eyes were locked on her. "michael?" i whispered. he looked down and blinked rapidly before looking at me.

i stood up and he stood too. everyone had their eyes on us and my eyes filled with tears. "all this time? i was the other girl? those late night calls you said were your parents or work? or scam calls? they were her.. the trips to the store that you never came home with anything? those walks alone at night? it was all just for her.." he opened his mouth to speak and i shook my head, tears now streaming down my face. "everyone told me not to trust you; i should have never fucking listened to you." i pushed past him and ran down the steps.

snow began falling and i zipped my coat as i ran down the street. my name was being called behind me and i kept running, ignoring the calls. i ran until i was at starks pond and realized the pond wasn't yet frozen over. my eyes widened and i stood still. the world around me was spinning and i unzipped my coat. i slipped my shirt off, then my pants and shoes. the cold snow under my toes burned as i stepped closer to the freezing water. i stepped onto the dock and walked out as far as it let me.

i looked down into the water and sighed. "i wish i were wendy.." tears fell from my face into the water and i took another breath. "why would you ever kiss me? i'm not even half as pretty. you gave her your virginity, it's just something stupid but you like her better. i wish i were," and before i could finish, i was plummeting down into the freezing pond. my body was instantly forced into shock as the water burned my skin. i opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. water.

i blinked and the cold began to take over. there was a moment where i heard screaming before i blinked slower and slower. my mind slowed and i let out the air in my chest. the peacefulness of death felt like it was coming upon me. i had only ever felt this comfortable in one persons arms. loving michael was always the right choice, he was just too dumb to see how much i really loved him. i was naive and he was smart. like a bunny and a fox. the chase was all he wanted. he broke my heart; meanwhile starks pond filled it with all of the coldness his heart held too.

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