Chapter 1

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"Why are you dressed like that?" Your best friend Jina questions you.

"Because I'll make sure I get laid tonight." You answered bluntly.

You are wearing a silver backless bodycon dress. It had a deep v neck and showed off your cleavage a little more, but you wanted to keep it that way. The dress glimmered and shimmered and you were ready to party like an animal.

"You're meeting my boyfriend for the first time. You could have picked some other day." Jina complains.

"My pussy can't wait. And if I don't get some action by the end of the night, I'm coming for your boyfriend." You said seriously and Jina was stunned but then you burst into laughter and she chased you around to smack the shit out of you.

Jina and you had been best friends for years now. Currently you lived in the same apartment but had your flats on different floors.

Jina was dating a guy named Jungkook. That's all you knew about him, just his name. Jina wanted you to meet him in person rather than showing his pictures to you.
They had been dating for a month now and according to Jina he was really handsome and from the way she talked about him you could know they were really into each other.

You both got ready and called for a cab and soon reached the club.

As you both stepped out of the cab, you were welcomed by a really good-looking young man who waved at Jina as his eyes lit up and your best friend ran towards him and he welcomed her with a tight hug.

You understood that it was Jungkook and were awestruck and you couldn't help but admire the boy for his looks and he did seem like a nice guy. You were happy for Jina.

You approached the two of them and the guy noticed you and immediately smiled and extended his hands to introduce himself.

"You must be Jungkook." You said before he could speak.

"Yes. And you're Y/N." He replied as you both shook hands.

"You're handsome just like I was told."

"Is that so? I'm glad I was described that way." He said as he looked into Jina's eyes and her cheeks turned red with shyness.

"Okay guys, I'm really horny here and this is not helping." You broke their trance with your words and earned a hardcore glare from your bestie.

"Let's go inside." Jungkook spoke to stop the situation from getting more awkward.

You didn't wanna be a third wheeler so you let the lovebirds have their space and you straight up hit the dance floor with booze in your hand.

You let loose and danced like the free and wild soul you were. You hadn't been to a club since a long time. You channelled your inner erotic energy and danced seductively, swaying your hips from side to side. You made it a mission to get laid tonight.

A smirk formed on your lips when you felt a pair of hands on your hips, you turned to face the guy but your smirk was replaced with a disgusted frown as you noticed that the man in front of you was probably twice your age and it creeped you out.

You pushed him hard and cursed at him. It was really disturbing for you and you ran towards the bar to get more drinks.

Before you knew you were completely drunk and trippy. You couldn't even stand straight. You tried to find Jina but you tripped and fell in the process but Jina was quick to notice you and both her and Jungkook ran towards you to help you up.

"Let's go home." Your bestie's voice reached your ears.

"No, I'm not going home." You resisted.

"Don't act like a kid, Y/N."

"You don't have to come with me. I'll be fine." You said as you tried acting alright but failed miserably.

"Look at you. You can't even stand properly. Let's just go." You were carried out despite all your resistance.

You stood outside the club with your bestie and her boyfriend and you felt guilty for ruining their date.

"It's really hard to find a cab driver at this hour, especially in this area." Jungkook said as he dialed the third number because the first two cab drivers refused to come.

"Guys, I'll be fine. Please I can handle myself, okay?" You were feeling a little better but were still drunk as fuck.

Jungkook was still trying to find a cab, but he had no luck.

After a few minutes you all noticed a cab driving towards you and it stopped in front of you.

"You booked a cab?" A deep voice from inside the car reached your ears and you got intrigued immediately. You tried looking inside to take a look at the man but Jungkook blocked your view by walking towards the man.

"Yes we did. I thought you wouldn't come because you didn't answer your phone." Jungkook stated.

"Sorry, sir. My phone has some issues. Where are we going?" The man asked and your were just getting more and more curious to know how he looked.

"Um the address is-" You pushed Jungkook out of the way and stepped in to inform the address.

"Dohyeon Palace. It's Dohyeon Palace." You said panting but you were soon breathless as your eyes finally landed on the man inside the cab.

He was surreal. He looked like a fucking god and was so hot. His voice suited his looks perfectly. And you decided right there that this guy is the one who's going to bed with you tonight.

It has to be him.

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