Chapter 11

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Kala and Merik spent a considerable amount of time actively wandering the streets of Charleston for the following three days. Kala was beginning to wonder if Logan's advice would pan out when a young woman with bright blue eyes stopped them on the street one afternoon. She introduced herself as Amanda, personal assistant to the Mayor, and handed Kala an envelope.

Kala thanked the woman and opened the envelope. The letter inside read:

My Dearest Kala,

My name is Gregory Tannish, and I am the Mayor of Charleston. As I am familiar with every Servant that frequents our great city, I would like to invite you to join me in my home this evening for dinner so we may come to know one another. I hope you will accept. I am most interested in learning more about you.



Merik was looking over her shoulder as she read. "How does he know your name?" he whispered warily in her ear.

"I don't know," she said aloud, turning back to Amanda. "Tell Mr. Tannish I would be happy to join him."

"He will be most pleased," Amanda replied. "Mayor Tannish lives at the top of Laidley Tower. Do you know where it is?"

"Yes, I believe I can find my way," Kala answered.

"Wonderful. Is 8:00 p.m. alright with you?"

"That will be fine," Kala smiled at the other woman, wondering if she had "spread her legs" for the great King. Amanda returned the smile and then spun sharply on her heel and walked away.


"That was interesting," Merik watched the other woman saunter off. "If all his women look like that, maybe I should find a nice little town somewhere and become king."

Kala glared at him.

"What?" he asked, feigning innocence.

"Men," Kala spat, looking down at the letter again.

Merik watched her carefully, trying to read her thoughts through her facial expressions. He could tell she was conflicted, probably at the thought of finally facing the man who had likely ordered the death of her friend. He was concerned she wouldn't be able to hold it together. If he recalled, Tannish was an Air Servant, and they were known for their intelligence and precise control. One wrong move and she would become just another notch on his war belt.

"You don't have to do this, you know," he offered, compassion in his voice.

"Yes, I do," she said simply, still staring at the letter.

"I'm sure there are other ways. At the very least, you should consider going in with some backup."

"You wouldn't stand a chance, Merik," she looked up and glanced at him.

"I wasn't talking about me," he said. "What about Sam or some of your other Servant friends? Or maybe this would be better handled through a more diplomatic approach...say, rallying the townspeople and having him ousted from office."

"He would just kill them all," she looked away from him, staring at something he could not see. He imagined she was searching for an image of her friend in her memories. He had often done that himself in the beginning...after his brother died.

"I doubt that," Merik challenged.

"You don't know people like this Merik," she began.

"Neither do you," he finished. "The guy's obviously an ass and a powerful one at that, but you don't really know what he's capable of, Kala. That's my point."

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