Chapter 22

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Kala had seen Mira's attack on Sam and was struggling to make it to her friend's side. Unfortunately, the two Earth Servants standing in her way were not ready to give in just yet. Frustrated, Kala decided she was tired of this game they'd been playing back and forth for the past five minutes. She would knock them back with some inventive stunt that demonstrated her considerable skill...and they would toss big rocks at her head...every time. Their lack of ingenuity foretold of their inexperience. Why in the world would Tannish bring such green Servants to a fight like this?

Kala ducked back behind the boulder she was using for cover and closed her eyes in concentration. Visualizing where the two men were standing on the other side of the stone, she created a small stream of water that snaked its way slowly out from behind the boulder. Seeing the battlefield as though she were part of the stream itself, she altered the direction of the water slightly as the two men came into view. Both men immediately began tossing rocks into the stream, but their harmless actions were met with disregard.

Kala knew they wouldn't be able to figure out an alternate plan that would have any impact on her own. Moving around behind them, she willed the water to encircle the men. As the stream connected to itself on the other side, water began oozing off the main channel, creating small tributaries that raced toward the men dancing nervously about the center of the circle. The intricate pattern of the tributaries quickly became unrecognizable, the water expanding and filling in the spaces where dirt was still exposed.

Kala had tested this theory the previous day at Logan's suggestion, but she hadn't gotten the chance to try it out yet during the actual battle. It would take some time, but if she didn't lose her concentration, she might be able to speed things up. Sam needed her help.

Pushing the water down into the loose soil now, while at the same time lifting a curtain of water up around the two men in an attempt to prevent them from fleeing, Kala put every ounce of energy she had left into her actions. The ground began to shift slightly as the men moved to escape their watery prison. The shimmering wall closed in around them, causing both men to stop short. Once she was certain they were temporarily confused and uncertain, Kala began freezing the curtain from top to bottom, further reinforcing their cage. More water ran up the curtain in defiance of gravity, icing as it went. The wall grew thicker and stronger...while at the same time, the ground underfoot grew softer and weaker.


"Mira!" Sam turned at the sound of Kala's voice. "I'm thinking your boys could use some help over here," Kala taunted the woman standing across from Sam.

Following her friend's pointing hand, Sam watched as a curtain of ice came crashing down to reveal two men struggling wildly in a pool of what could only be described as quicksand. The pool was situated in the center of what used to be the courtyard. Sam knew no such pool of water existed in the area before, but that didn't change the fact there appeared to be one now. Apparently, Kala had developed a new trick recently. Either way, it was pretty damn impressive...and it had the desired effect.

Mira growled and spun towards Kala, propelling a fairly good-sized orb of water in Sam's direction as she did. Having been focused almost entirely on Kala, Sam didn't see the attack coming. The orb crashed over her, knocking her to the ground and drenching her again.

"Sam?" Kala yelled over the chaos surrounding the three women. "You OK?" Kala had begun walking towards her enemy as she spoke.

"Yea," Sam coughed up a lungful of water. "I'm good. Kick her ass, K."

"That's the plan," Kala said quietly as the two Water Servants closed in on one another.


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