Chapter 8

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When Merik awoke the next morning, his back was stiff and his calf was sore where the vine had clung to him so tightly the previous day. He moaned slightly as he struggled to rise, stretching and rubbing his lower back. Looking around, he found he was alone in the clearing, but as he continued to study the area, he noticed Sam's bag was still there. Relieved they hadn't left him, while at the same time annoyed with himself for caring so much, he made his way over to the remains of the funeral pyre.

He was standing there motionless, staring at the blackened skull of one of the Fallen Servants, when a hand touched his shoulder. "Jesus!" he jumped, spinning around and grabbing the arm attached to the hand. It was Kala.

"Aww, hell," he groaned again, releasing her arm and rubbing his back once more. "You gotta stop being so damn sneaky all the time, Kala," he nearly whispered as he winced in pain.

"I wasn't being sneaky," she replied. "Actually, I was trying not to scare you."

"You might wanna work on that," he replied, turning and walking back toward the lean-to. "Where's Sam?" he called back over his shoulder.

"She's preparing. This section of the forest is dying. She's gonna light it up...cleanse the area...but we need to clear out first."

"You think?" he said, bending to pick up his pack.

"Are you planning on being in a bad mood like this all day, because I can go on alone, you know?" she asked, hands on her hips.

Merik paused, expecting her to continue...expecting her to have finally come up with a real reason for them to part ways. But she said nothing further, so he responded, "Sorry, my back is killing me. I tend to get a bit moody when I'm in pain. I'm sure you understand." He turned back to her.

"You should follow the stream...that way," she pointed off in the direction she had come from the previous night when she had needed time alone. "There's a deep run not too far from here. It's where I was last night...the water is blessed. It will help with the pain."

"So that's what you were doing?" he asked.

"Yes, your villagers should have healthy water by now. All's well that ends well."

"They weren't my villagers, Kala. I told you I was just passing through," he replied, defensively.

"So you're telling me you just instantly care about everyone you meet...just like that? Like the way you cared for Alfred and the young woman who gave me this shirt...what was her name, Carey?" she asked, a questioning look in her eyes.

"Of course I do...there aren't that many of us left, you know?"

They stared at each other for a moment longer, and then Kala said quietly, "You should go. We'll take care of things here."

Without further argument, Merik gathered up his weapons and pack and headed into the woods. He knew better than to challenge her any further now. He was quickly learning what he could say and when to say it, and this wasn't the time to tell her he was beginning to care about her...just like well. That revelation would have to wait.


Kala waited patiently for Sam to return. She had taken one of the Fallen Servant's packs since she'd lost hers during the chase and subsequent battle with the Fire Servant, Sonya. She figured none of these women needed any of their worldly possessions anymore, although she had burned a few personal items with each one as a symbol of respect for who they were and not who they had become.

Sam appeared shortly, all business now as she finished checking her makeshift fire line. She had no intention of burning more than the few acres of dying forest, so a break was necessary to ensure the fire didn't get out of hand. She could control it to a certain degree, but there was always a chance the fire would jump, and then Kala, as the resident Water Servant, would have a mess on her hands.

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