Chapter 3

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"This is ridiculous!" the thin-faced man shouted at the town's mayor. "That makes three dark witches that've come through this area in the past two months. We need protection!"

"We don't know the water witch was affected by the Darkness," the mayor replied.

"Who cares?!" a woman yelled. "Either way, we're being overrun! Kyle's right. We need to find someone who can protect us, or we'll have to leave. I, for one, don't want to move deeper into the forest. This is our home. We have just as much right to live our lives the way we choose as they do!"

"And who do you propose we go to for help?" the mayor prodded.

An older man with a long white beard stepped forward, "I'm sure no one wants to hear this, but we all know the best defense against a a witch."

"You can't trust a witch. How about somebody with military background? Somebody who knows how to fight..." the woman barked again.

"Look, I know you're all frightened after what happened earlier today, but just because we've had a run of bad luck with witches lately doesn't mean this is a trend," the mayor said, attempting to diffuse the situation.

"Horse shit!" the thin-faced man spat back. "I vote we hire someone now. What about that stranger...that guy stayin' above the bar?" He turned to the bartender, "Jake? What do you know about him? He managed to take out that fire witch pretty easily..."

"Don't know a thing, Kyle," Jake replied, absent-mindedly wiping the same spot on the charred bar with a dirty cloth.

A younger woman stepped forward, concern etched across her face, "Look, I don't care what you do, but I think we should talk to the water witch...if she's still alive. She can help us. My boys are still sick...we've all been sick. I think it's something in the water. That's what they do, right? They heal the water..."

"Go back home, Carey," Kyle hissed angrily at the woman. "Nobody's askin' you." The woman glared at him, defiance and fear in her eyes. After a moment, she melted back into the crowd.

Kyle began again, addressing the group confidently, "Has anybody seen him? The stranger from the witch fight?"

"Looking for me?" Merik emerged from the shadows where he'd been standing silently behind the mass of townspeople for most of the conversation.

Carey rushed toward him, grasping both of his arms tightly. "Where is she?" she cried. "Did she live?"

Gently prying her hands from his arms, he replied, "Yes, she's alive." Looking away from the teary-eyed woman, he spoke to the crowd. "And before you accuse an innocent woman, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that she is not a dark witch." He brushed past the trembling mother and approached the bar.

"Jake, was it?" he directed the question at the bartender who nodded in agreement. "Is that room still available for the night?"

"Yea, it is. Little bit of smoke damage, but it's still there last time I checked. Same price as last night."

"I'll take it," Merik replied, dropping an old $20 bill on the bar. He turned and found the entire town staring back at him. "Have a nice night," he said and walked toward the door.

"Wait, son." The soft voice didn't seem angry or on-edge, so he turned to see who was summoning him. The old man with the beard stood behind him, his hand extended. Merik took the man's hand and shook it firmly. "We just wanted to thank you for what you did earlier," the old man said. "The water witch wouldn't have been able to protect us from the other one. You saved her and this entire town. You deserve our gratitude."

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