Chapter 24

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Logan had never expected to see any of this. It had been four days since the battle and Servants from Charleston were arriving by the hour, bringing tools, building materials, food, and other supplies to help the residents rebuild. And they didn't just merely drop off the supplies and head back to the city. Instead, they offered their assistance wherever it was needed. It was a welcome but nearly unbelievable sight for him.

After their crushing defeat, he figured Sarah would take Tannish back to Charleston, tail between his legs, and hole up there until the time was right to strike back. Knowing Tannish, Logan refused to believe the man would simply give up and start over.

But Merik had insisted Sarah would hold to her promise. He said he just knew it...that he couldn't explain how or why. Considering what they had witnessed during the fight, Logan wasn't about to challenge his thinking. The man was obviously touched...the question was by what?


Kala's eyes wandered across the camp for the hundredth time as she searched for Merik. She found him helping an Earth Servant from Charleston hold a support beam while two camp residents lashed it into place. After the devastation a few nights earlier, they were doing more than just rebuilding the camp as it was...they were building it even better. Instead of looking like a shanty-town dotted with colorful blankets that served as makeshift shelters, the residents would have huts and an actual community hall to gather in for evening dinners and special events.

Harry was ecstatic. Kala couldn't count how many times he had told her Merik was the best thing that had ever happened to their little camp since before the Cleansing. Each time she laughed and agreed. It was strange how death and destruction brought people together. It was particularly odd in this case, what with the two sides working together as if the battle had never even occurred. As much as Merik wanted things to be settled between the two factions, Kala still had her doubts.

They hadn't heard a word from Tannish since Sarah helped him stumble through the dilapidated quarry gate the morning after he lost his power. Sarah had sent her regards with the first set of Servants who brought supplies and tools from Charleston. So far she was keeping her word, and the extra help and supplies from the city had been a welcome and much appreciated act of friendship on her part.

Merik released his hold on the beam and stood back to admire their handy work. They were constructing some additional storage buildings with elevated floors to keep food and other necessities off the ground during inclement weather. He glanced in her direction without hesitation. Strangely enough, that had become a commonplace event over the past few days. He always seemed to know where she was eerie, but something she was getting used to.

The one thing she hadn't figured out yet (but she was developing some interesting theories) was what exactly had happened to him inside that storm. She had gone over the stages of the battle in her mind, even taking the time to write things down in an attempt to create an outline of the major events.

Pieces were falling into place slowly, but Kala knew what they had witnessed that night was like nothing anyone had ever seen least no one she had ever met. Merik's ability to release Tannish's elemental spirit from his body was both amazing and frightening at the same time. What else could he do that she didn't know about?


Merik's senses had been extremely heightened since the attack. It was something he was struggling to come to terms with, but it was handy in certain this one. He knew Kala had been watching him most of the day. Her concern was so evident he was glad they weren't in immediate danger. If they had been, she would have been a liability due to her lack of focus on anything other than him.

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