Chapter 20

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It didn't take Logan long to find the reinforcements Merik had requested. Within minutes, a group of 6 led by Aaron were headed back through the cave, while he led a second party down the entrance road to circle around the other side of the quarry. The guards he passed had not seen or heard anything in the last couple hours. Jumping off the road a few hundred yards from the gates, Logan and his group moved quietly through the brush, watchful for even the slightest movement.

As they walked, the group fanned out to increase their coverage area. After another couple hundred yards, Logan inadvertently flushed a brood of pheasants. Holding up his fist in the universal sign for 'Stop,' he silently cursed himself. Anyone hiding in the area would know they were coming now, assuming they hadn't been seen already. Logan crouched down to the ground and waited, systematically scanning the forest.

A mild buzzing began to take form just behind his eye sockets as he remained perfectly still. The low level buzzing he had felt upon entering camp two days prior had dissipated as he left the area and entered the forest. His party was composed of himself and 5 other normals. He was the only Servant. He had planned for this possibility, but it still didn't make sense. Why would Tannish send Servants to look for other Servants knowing they would likely be sensed long before they got close to the camp?

Turning his head slowly around, he found Harry. The old man wasn't far behind him. Catching his eye, Logan mouthed "Servant" and nodded in the direction of the now departed birds. Harry gave him a thumbs up in acknowledgement and passed the information on to the others in the group as well.

After a full minute, Logan rose slowly and lowered his fist. The party continued their forward movement, but more cautiously this time. Knowing they were facing a Servant, they would have to be extremely careful in their approach. The man undoubtedly knew they were coming as well. Regardless, they couldn't afford to scare him away, not with so many lives at stake.


Merik heard a flock of birds take to the air not far ahead of him. He had been waiting for the right moment to strike, and this was it. The scout was crouched behind a tall oak now, having sought cover the moment the birds flushed. Merik had been following him for the past 5 minutes. The man carried no weapons and Merik surmised he was a Servant based solely on that simple fact...and his gut. Something told him he needed to be more cautious with this one.

Keeping that in mind, he rose slowly, lifting his shotgun and sighting down the barrel. As he did, the man rose as well, his attention focused ahead. Merik aimed and squeezed the trigger. Buck shot splattered across the scout's back, knocking him hard into the tree he was using for cover.

Grunting in pain and surprise, the scout, who had managed to maintain his footing, turned to face Merik. "Ah, hell," Merik breathed, thinking he should have just gone for the head shot. The first fireball whizzed past him as he ducked behind a nearby oak tree. Cocking the gun, he waited for the Servant's next move. Surely the man was in considerable pain by now. Buck shot to the back was not a pleasant experience, Servant or not.

Taking advantage of what he hoped was an angry and flustered Servant, Merik said aloud, "Tannish must be pretty desperate to send a Servant to do a normal's job, huh? You know we could feel you coming a mile away, dumb ass."

All he received in response was a blunt shout of frustration and a volley of fireballs that bounced harmlessly off the trees around him. 'That worked well,' Merik thought. He could hear the other man breathing heavily now. His ragged breaths intermingled with barely audible grunts of pain.

"Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it, Sparky?" Merik continued to taunt. "Why don't you just give up now, and I promise not to kill you..."

Another ball of fire slammed into the tree Merik was sheltering behind. He could feel the concussion as the tree shook visibly. Sparks and embers bounced off the tree and floated around his head, but he maintained his vigil. "You do realize you're surrounded, right? It won't end well for you if you keep this up. We just want to talk to you. That's all." Merik listened intently as the man's breathing worsened. He was wearing down, but he wasn't giving up quite yet.

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