Chapter 14

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"What are you doing, man?" Merik shouted as Logan marched across the street toward the bar entrance. "Hey! I don't think that's a good idea..."

Logan had already ducked inside the outer door. Merik looked at Kala, who shrugged indecisively, and cursed under his breath. Following the Earth Servant, they both made their way across the street and through the open door. Upon entering, the first thing they noticed was the fire that was spreading rapidly across the wooden bar at the back of the room. A woman wearing bright red lipstick was standing too close to the fire to be comfortable, but something told Merik she wasn't concerned about comfort at the moment.

The woman was standing perfectly still as the blaze grew in intensity behind her. A little over a dozen people remained in the bar at that late hour, and nearly all of them had risen from their seats and were watching the imposter carefully. A few had begun to back up slowly towards the exit, but most were standing their ground.

"Ah, there he is," the woman near the fire said in an overly sultry tone. She was staring directly at Logan, who was standing a few feet in front of them. "My, my, my, Logan. You are just as lovely as the last time we met." Looking him up and down slowly, she took a tentative step toward the Earth Servant.

"Shit," Kala whispered softly as she stepped in behind Merik. He glanced back at her just in time to see the sudden look of concern flash in her dark eyes.

"Hello, Leanne," Logan seethed. Although Merik could not see the big man's face, he could hear the anger in his voice.

"Yep, I knew this wouldn't be good," he said to no one in particular.

Across the room another woman stepped out of the shadows and walked toward Leanne, eyeing Kala very intently as she moved. She glided effortlessly along the floor and her long, light brown hair flowed behind her like a softly undulating stream. The hair on the back of Merik's neck promptly stood on end. They were in trouble. These women weren't here to harass Logan. They were here for Kala.


Logan noticed Mira move into view as well, but his primary focus was on Leanne. Both women were dangerous, but Leanne was particularly vengeful. She was likely still perturbed by his refusal to sleep with her a few months back. Granted, the woman was sexy as hell, but she was also just as deadly. As he watched the smile spread across her alabaster face, memories flooded his mind.

Leanne had approached him in the bar one night over 3 months ago. He'd just had a particularly trying discussion with his sister, one in which Sonya had managed to gain the upper hand. Logan was in the midst of recalling the conversation in an attempt to figure out where he had gone wrong when he felt a soft hand on his arm. He turned to see a beautiful face ringed in naturally curly, platinum blond hair. She was wearing a tight fitting corset which bared her midriff and accentuated her ample bust, along with a short, nearly see-through rayon skirt that only reached mid-thigh. Her black leather heeled boots completed the skimpy outfit perfectly.

Leanne was the type of woman who drew attention wherever she went, regardless of what she said or did. All she had to do was enter a room and every man in it knew she was there. It was the same that night. Others were watching as Leanne reached up and gently wrapped her right arm around Logan's neck, pulling him down to her level. She whispered something erotic in his ear that he could no longer remember, and then proceeded to guide him out of the bar with no resistance.

He was so enamored with her looks and the way her body moved that he didn't realize who or what she was until she had already begun her seduction. Somehow she had known he lived upstairs because her first move when she exited the bar was to turn towards the steps and start climbing them. She said nothing, simply staring at him with those deep blue eyes as she walked backwards up the stairs. Even that movement was sexy, and it was hard to make a reverse climb up a steep set of steps look sexy. He was mesmerized, but he didn't know why.

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