Chapter 19

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Kala wound her way through the maze of tents and tarps toward the central courtyard. She figured that was as good a location as any to start her search. She could have sworn some part of her recognized the person she saw in passing, but her brain was unwilling to give up the secret just yet. As she neared the courtyard, she realized her mind could be playing tricks on her.

She hadn't slept well in several days. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw swirls of blue color floating lazily across her eyelids. She couldn't will the sensation to pass, regardless of how tired she was at the time. Eventually, she would fall asleep, but it was always a fitful sleep. It seemed to her as if her soul was restless, but she couldn't ease the strain, at least not yet. She hoped Tannish would come soon. If he didn't, she feared she would not have enough strength left to fight him when he did come.

When she stepped out into the central courtyard, she could see a number of people conversing in small groups. The pretty girl she had met earlier was gone now, and a group of teenage boys had taken her place around the nearest fire pit. Laughter rang out as one of them told a joke likely not meant for a young girl's ears anyway.

She scanned the clearing, but her vision was not up to par in the flickering firelight. It took her nearly a full minute to spot the solitary woman sitting alone by the fire pit on the opposite side of the yard. Several people were standing near or sitting on the benches between her and the woman, but Kala still silently rebuffed herself for not spotting her earlier. She really did need to sleep.

Kala moved through the small crowd toward the woman. As she neared the fire pit, she could see the woman was manipulating a small ball of fire, rolling it between her fingers in an almost absent-minded manner. Realization dawned as Kala finally recognized the fellow Servant.

"Sam?" she said quietly, bending at the knees to get a better look at her old friend. Sam's head popped up, and she gave Kala a surprised squeak of recognition as well.

"Kala! What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'd ask you the same thing," Kala said, embracing her friend as Sam rose from the ground to greet her.

"I told you I was headed north. I just got stalled here for a while is all. It's a nice place...good people here," Sam replied.

"Since when do you get stalled anywhere for very long?" Kala asked, curious as to why her relationship-wary friend was commenting on the merits of people she hardly knew. "This might be a record...have you been here this whole time? That's like an entire week, Sam."

"Oh, come on, it's not that big a deal. I found this place a day or so after I left you behind in the woods south of town...actually, the place found me," Sam answered. "One of their scouts spotted me on the road and offered me a hot meal and a place to sleep for the night. Couldn't pass that up...besides, have you seen some of the men floating around this place? Nice...very nice, K."

Kala chuckled. Now that was the old Sam she knew and loved...

"Speaking of men, where's your Hero at? You didn't ditch him just to spite me, did you?" Sam continued where she had left off when they parted ways.

"No, he's around here somewhere. A lot's happened since I saw you last, Sam," Kala sighed.

"Ooohhh, do tell," Sam cooed.

"That's not what I mean," Kala shook her head indignantly. "Merik and I went to Charleston and got ourselves into a bit of trouble. Unfortunately, that same trouble is headed this way."

"So that was you, huh? I heard rumors earlier today that we were in for a fight. Something about a wannabe king heading this way to dispatch some folks who pissed him off back in Charleston. You've gotta learn to chill, K. Be more like me," Sam smiled broadly.

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