Chapter 7

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Samantha Harris didn't know who or what this handsome creature sitting next to her was, but she didn't care. Her inner salamander was rearing its ugly little head, and all she could think about was what he would look like sans all the clothing. Surely he was getting toasty sitting between her and Kala in front of the fire. After all, that's precisely why Sam had placed the blanket so close to the flames.

Kala could try to avoid the topic of this new relationship as much as she wanted, but they both knew in the end, Sam would win. Kala would spill her guts and tell her every lovely little detail...assuming there were details to tell at this point. Watching them now, she began to think Kala hadn't been lying when she avidly swore they weren't sleeping together. Of course, the comment that followed regarding the likelihood of that happening was a flat out lie, and they both knew it...Kala had a thing for this guy and it was only a matter of time.

The only thing that was bothering Sam at the moment was the distinct lack of Kala's previous non-boyfriend (why did she always have to deny it when everyone could see it anyway?!). So where the hell was Scott? Kala hadn't offered up an answer to that question earlier, just turning away and feigning nonchalance as she muttered, "He's not here." Sam wasn't sure how to proceed further with her inquiry after that response. It wasn't like Kala to shy away from a discussion about Scott. The two had been inseparable for quite some time. Something was seriously wrong with this scenario, and Sam was determined to find some answers.

Sam knew Kala better than she realized. Kala didn't travel with anyone she didn't hold close to her heart. That's just the way it had been ever since they first met in Chicago. Kala had appeared in that crumbling hotel with two other Servants by her side. The three women were sisters. They arrived together and after the Conclave had convened, they left together.

A few months later when Kala returned to Chicago, the other two were not with her. It took several days of poking and prodding, a specialty of Sam's, before Kala finally revealed what had happened. It was the first encounter Kala had had with Fallen Servants, and this mixed group of male and female Servants was particularly nasty. They had ambushed the 3 women on the road and killed Kala's 2 closest friends. She barely managed to survive the attack herself. The assailants had taken all their belongings and left them in a field in the middle of northern Indiana to die.

Kala traveled alone for many months after that, wandering between Chicago and Indianapolis. Every time they met up, Kala told her she couldn't slip this odd feeling she needed to be there...she just couldn't figure out exactly where "there" she kept moving, a common attribute of an Undine personality.

The last time they met in Indianapolis, Kala had been traveling with Scott. They planned to travel farther east together, but Kala still couldn't explain why. It was a feeling...and it wasn't coming from her was coming from her heart. Sam knew the feeling; she'd had them herself many times. But Kala insisted this feeling was pulling her towards one particular event or person, whereas Sam's unexplainable tugs were multi-directional and always ended up with her standing in the middle of some tiny, burned-out town that needed to be cleansed.

Sam knew what was leading her around the eastern U.S: it was that small bit of Gaia's spirit residing within her least, that's what she believed. She didn't tell anyone of this conviction...not even Kala, but she knew Gaia was guiding her, just like She was guiding the others. Unfortunately, many of them were resisting the calling. That resistance had led to the downfall of so many Servants. Sam was afraid of the war she knew was coming.

"Sam?" Kala's voice broke into her thoughts.

"Yea," she said, returning to the present. "Sorry, I was just imagining the multitude of extremely fun things you and I are planning to do with our Hero here...later this evening, that is."

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