Chapter 21

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The sound of the birds flushing brought Merik out of an apparent trance brought on by Kala's proximity...and undoubtedly her beauty as well. The moment had been perfect, almost like it was happening in a dream, but reality was much more harsh and unwelcoming. After the light faded away, Merik continued to hold Kala for another long moment, waiting and listening in the gathering darkness.

As his eyes adjusted to the blackness around him, he realized it wasn't that dark after all. He could see into the forest, but not very far. This oddity was not lost on him. He remembered his uncanny night vision while in the woods after their coordinated fall and his subsequent injury. He knew from the look on Kala's face that it was dark; she did not register any movements he made...and yet somehow he could still see.

Squinting, he searched the woods for any signs of the enemy. Leaning in to Kala once more, he whispered again, "How's your spidey sense?"

"Buzzing away," she replied, a slight quiver to her tone.

"Time to go," he replied instantly, leading her to the bank.

"I can't see, Merik," she said as she allowed him to guide her.

"I know, just hold onto me. We have to get back to camp now."

Leading Kala to the stream bank as quietly as he could manage, Merik stopped short. Scanning the forest above the small stream, he thought he saw movement...and a small flicker of light in the darkness. A person without his training might have taken the light for that of a firefly, but Merik wasn't fooled. He continued to direct Kala, but kept his eyes on the steep slope above the cave entrance. He knew he had seen something, but it was gone now.

Moments later, as they stepped out of the water and quickly began dressing, Merik directed his attention downstream in the opposite direction. Following the sharp incline of the slope, he found what he was looking for. He had come to believe the movement moments ago was associated with an animal, but this wasn't an animal. It was a human. The lithe form was carrying a faint lantern and bounded up the slope with the speed and grace of an Air Servant. No one else could use the air currents to lift and propel themselves to that degree. It had to be Tannish's rear guard. As expected, they were attacking from behind. Their plan was likely to drop down into the quarry from the bluff above.

Merik considered himself extremely lucky at this point. The fact they hadn't been seen yet was a minor miracle, especially given Kala's light, but they needed to get back through the cave sooner rather than later. He and Logan had surmised Tannish would attack before sunrise, when the residents were sleeping soundly. It was the only bit of surprise they had any chance of producing given the setting. The camp guards would see them coming either way.

Attacking just after sunset was not considered, but that didn't really matter now. All he could hope for was that everybody else had been more prepared than he and Kala. After pulling his boots on, he gently grasped Kala by the arm again and moved as quickly through the woods as he thought she could manage. She didn't speak one word during their trek back to the cave entrance, relying solely on his guidance. It said something for her to put that level of trust in him. He only hoped they would both live to explore their relationship further.


Kala allowed Merik to pull her toward the cave entrance. She could sense the opening as they neared it. Moisture clung to the walls of the tunnel, producing a damp earthy smell that made her fingers tingle. She had anticipated this moment for the past few days, and now that it was here, she was ready. Her conversation with Merik was by no means complete, but at least she knew his true feelings...and that was half the battle. The other issue would have to be addressed again later. Kala was concerned but not so much so that she let it affect her feelings for him in any way. Regardless of what was happening to him physically...or mentally...she still cared for him deeply.

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