Chapter 15

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Logan had maintained his control for as long as possible. The effort to isolate the quake to the street alone was immense. He risked a glance behind him to see Merik and Kala escaping around the corner. It was time to go.

Taking a deep breath, Logan closed his eyes briefly to center himself. He willed the power ebbing from his body to hold fast and then turned and took off at a dead sprint after his companions. To others, it appeared as though he simply flowed over the rolling street in a rush of flesh, disappearing around the corner effortlessly. But for Logan, the action was herculean.

Struggling to assert what last bit of control he could muster over the quake, Logan ran as fast as he could manage given the circumstances. His muscles burned and his lungs ached. After a quarter mile, he released his hold on the Earth energy and nearly collapsed to the ground as the weight lifted from his shoulders.

Stumbling to maintain his balance, he focused his attention on the street ahead in search of Kala and Merik.


Merik continued to glance over his shoulder as they ran. His head was pounding; it felt like his brain had exploded inside his skull. Kala was slowing ahead of him, and he figured her energy was ebbing. When she stopped outright, he nearly bowled her over.

"What the hell?!" he barked too loudly. "Are you alright?"

"Cemetery," she panted, pointing towards a metal gate with crumbling stone pillars standing on either side.

"OK, right," he replied, grabbing her arm and glancing back over his shoulder as he nearly dragged her to the pillar on the right side of the entrance road. They crouched behind the pillar against a chain link fence that threatened to collapse at any moment. Kala crumpled into a heap on the moist grass.

Merik squinted as he struggled to see in the darkness. "How far behind us do you think he is?" he whispered as Kala's breathing began to steady.

"I don't know," she replied, leaning against him as she strained to see around the pillar. "Do you see anything?"

"Not yet," he answered.

"He's coming," she insisted, more to herself than him, it seemed.

"Well, he better be 'cause we have no idea where we are or where we're going, and I'm guessing your Servant buddies aren't far behind us."

"Those aren't my buddies, Merik," she said vehemently.

"Semantics," he replied, leaning back so she could get a better view.

"Wait," she whispered suddenly. "There..." She pointed down the street, and Merik followed her gaze. Someone was moving down the far side of the road at a pretty good clip. Merik crossed his fingers and hoped it was Logan.

"Give it a minute," he warned as Kala strained to rise. He placed his hand on her knee, pulling her back down. "We need to know for sure."


Kala knew for sure; she didn't need to wait. She pushed Merik's hand aside and rose quickly, stepping around the side of the dilapidated pillar and out onto the cemetery entrance road. A soft "Dammit, Kala" emanated from the pillar behind her as Merik voiced his opposition.

She raised her hand high in the air as the figure moved from the opposite side of the street toward them. He slowed as he approached, finally stepping out into the center of the road where the light from the moon revealed his identity.

Placing his hands on his knees and bending at the waist, Logan remained silent for a long moment before simply saying, "Into the cemetery."

"You need a minute to catch your breath," Kala whispered as she approached him.

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