Chapter 2

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The woman went limp in his arms, but he could see blood still pulsed through her veins as he stared hard at the soft skin of her neck. He continued on in the direction the old woman had given him, stopping to listen carefully for the sound of running water every hundred yards or so. Ten minutes later he came across a deer trail and turned left to follow it. Within minutes, the sound of water rushing over rock drifted toward him.

As the spring pool and tiny waterfall came into view, he increased his pace, anxious to get the woman to the water. She stirred slightly as he lay her down on the flat rocks above the pool. Her wound was dark now, the glowing blue light gone. He scooped a handful of water from the pool and poured it gently onto the wound.

The woman gasped, opening her eyes and finding his. He held her down and whispered gently, "Don't try to move. Just tell me what to do."

"Help me sit up...I need to sit up," she whispered. Her breathing was ragged and her entire body was shaking as she struggled against him.

Reluctantly, he helped her to a sitting position. She gingerly examined the wound on her side, her weakness apparent. Her hands shook and her body shuddered repeatedly as she fought to maintain consciousness. She looked at the pool of rippling water next to her and lowered her hand to it, stopping just above the shimmering mass. Merik watched as water from the pool seemed to melt into her hand, engulfing it and moving up her arm slowly. She closed her eyes for a few moments as the water crawled steadily up her arm. Her breathing eased slightly and the glow returned, blue light flickering softly around the edges of her gaping wound.

Opening her eyes slowly, she met his. Merik saw only gentleness in her eyes now. The fire of the battle was gone, replaced by determination of another kind. He knew she was not a dark witch. She would have tried to kill him as the other one had in the village. He also knew in that moment she would survive to fight again. He had no doubt she was nothing like the other servants he had met so often in his travels. She was different, caught somewhere between the light and dark of her species. Although he had seen her gentle side, he ventured a guess that the Fire Servant in the village was not the first she had hunted down.

Breaking his stare, she began slowly removing what remained of her clothing, pain still etching her features. Surprised and embarrassed, Merik rose and stepped away, averting his eyes as she wiggled out of her cargo pants and laid them aside. With only a slight whimper of the pain he knew she was still feeling, she slid into the pool. Hoping she was fully submerged, Merik turned back to her. She floated in the center of the pool, with only her head and neck exposed. Her eyes were closed. Merik moved closer, crouching on the flat rocks above the pool.

As he looked into the water, he could see a blue glow rising off her body. The glow intensified as the seconds passed, radiating outward and filling the pool with light. Minutes ticked by. The glow finally flickered out as the woman opened her eyes. She stared at nothing in particular, and then suddenly she slipped gently below the water, fully immersing herself. Merik rose, his handsome features masked by his concern. Had she healed herself or was she dying? When she didn't emerge after a full minute, Merik pulled his boots off and leapt into the pool with a loud splash.


Kala felt those same gentle hands grasp her shoulders and pull her towards the surface. Coughing up water and sucking in a breath of harsh air, Kala found herself in his arms. He cradled her softly, and she stared silently up into his eyes. They were the same light blue of the healing waters that surrounded her, only with the addition of green and gold flecks that glittered in the fading light of day. Lines of disquiet radiated outward from those gentle eyes.

"What are you doing?" she managed to whisper.

"Saving you," he replied softly.

"You already did that. Let me go," she smiled up at him, realizing he had thought she was drowning. He did not smile in return. Instead, his frown of unease deepened and his eyes darkened. Kala was quickly learning this man could say more with his eyes than his mouth. It was a mesmerizing feature, but one that would not affect her as it might other women. Although he had saved her life, all she could offer him was her thanks. Kala had a new mission, and it was one that would require her utmost concentration. She would not rest until she found out who "they" were...Sonya's last words as she taunted Kala about Scott's death. "They" would pay with their lives...even if it meant she must give up hers as well. No, she didn't have time for a man to steal her affections...not now.

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