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6 Weeks Prior

Tannish caressed Sonya's exposed skin, tracing thin lines down her side and legs. She sighed peacefully, turning to face him.

"Why would anyone want to disrupt what we have here?" she asked in a whisper.

"He's jealous of me...of what I have," Tannish replied, doing his best to look sullen and remorseful. "I fear for Charleston, my dear. I fear what he will do when he arrives. It's only a matter of time before he finds us..." He allowed his voice to trail off, staring blankly at Sonya's long silky hair as if in a daze.

"Then perhaps someone needs to find him first...for the good of the city," she offered, reaching out to touch his face in an attempt to bring him back to her.

"I would not wish to risk the health of any member of my family, Sonya. I will deal with Scott when the time comes."

"Gregory, please. Let me help you with this. I want to spare you the pain of having to fight your former best friend. I'll find him and talk with him...make him see the error of his ways," she said, taking the bait.

"Scott will never see things our way, Sonya. That is the problem. And it makes him very dangerous. I fear he would try to harm you, so I must say no. I truly appreciate your dedication to the city and to me, but I do not wish to lose you." He placed his hand over hers as she continued to caress his face.

Sonya seemed to melt with his words, and he knew he had her. She would do exactly the opposite, which was exactly what he wanted. Scott would succumb to her devious ways, not expecting something so beautiful would ever want to harm him. It was the perfect plan.

A rap at his bedroom door interrupted his revelry. "Yes, what is it?" he called out, as Sonya dutifully rolled away from him and began reaching for her clothing.

"One of your scouts has returned, Sir," his assistant said politely from the other side of the door. "He says he has vital information he wishes to share with you immediately."

Glancing to Sonya and giving her his best "I'm sorry" look, he stood and donned his robe. Waiting patiently by the door, he opened it for Sonya to make her exit. She grasped his hand and squeezed gently before slipping past Amanda.

"Who is it?" Tannish asked, following both women into the dining room.

"He's just outside...it's Hammond."

Sonya turned as she reached the inner door which led to Tannish's office space and waited, her hand on the door knob. Tannish nodded to her and smiled. She beamed back at him and opened the door, waving his visitor in behind her. Amanda followed her out and closed the door quietly.

"Erik," he began, extending his hand in greeting. "I trust your mission was a success?"

Erik reached out and took the King's hand, shaking it slightly before releasing his grip. "Yes and no," he replied, hesitantly.

"Bad news first, then," Tannish said, accepting the inevitable. He had hoped for only good news, but somewhere deep inside, he knew that wasn't possible.

"They're headed this direction," Erik began, shaking his head and closing his eyes in perceived defeat. "There are too many of them, Gregory. We don't stand a chance."

"Who leads them?" Tannish asked, unwilling to accept Erik's assessment without further study.

"A woman...I don't know her name, but there's something different about her. According to the stories we heard, she's stronger than most Servants...like she's gone Dark. But she's hasn't. That's not it..." his voice trailed off as he struggled with his memory.

"Then what is it?" Tannish prodded, wanting more than opinions.

"I don't know," Erik looked up, his eyes revealing his uncertainty. "Most of the people we talked to said she has this presence about her...like she knows more than the rest of us...like she has answers we don't."

"I sincerely doubt she's as daunting as you believe, Erik," Tannish said, a look of disgust in his eyes.

"Think what you want, Gregory," Erik warned. "But she has an army, and if she continues in this direction, she'll be in Charleston within a matter of months."

Tannish turned away from his scout and glanced out the floor to ceiling window as a light breeze fluttered through the apartment. Night was giving way to dawn and with it, a new threat had emerged. Scott wasn't the only problem Tannish now faced.

As the first rays of sunlight peaked over the horizon, Tannish raised his chin with pride and spoke clearly, "Let her come. We'll be ready for her." Erik nodded his head in reverence and spun on his heel, heading for the door.

Whispering to the wind, Tannish declared defiantly, "No one will take Charleston from me...not now, not ever."

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