Chapter 1

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6 years later...Kanawha County - South of Charleston, West Virginia

The forest was tight around her, branches slapping her face as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Her pursuer would not give up easily, she knew. After all, she had killed the woman's friend...or was he her lover? It didn't matter either way...her King had warned of the threat the Air Servant posed, and she wasn't about to let the man live another moment.

Sonya chanced a look behind her just long enough to see the anger reflecting in her enemy's eyes. The woman was close, but the village had to be closer. She would find shelter there. She looked back again, only this time she saw only a wall of water rushing at her. She barely had time to react before the water engulfed her, propelling her forward into a lone pine tree. The impact knocked the wind out of her, and Sonya lay on the ground drenched and struggling to suck in even a tiny breath of the sweet forest air.

When she managed to get to her knees, she glanced behind her. The Water Servant was walking slowly in her direction, determination gleaming in her deep brown eyes.

"It won't be that easy," Sonya croaked, rising to meet her assailant.


"If you think I'm going to let you live after what you've done, you're sadly mistaken." Kala spat the words at the Fire Servant standing defiantly in front of her.

"Oh, no...after what I did to your friend, I wouldn't expect you to play nice. You may be the good witch, but not even Gaia herself could resist the urges you now have coursing through your pretty little veins. So let's get this show started, shall we?" Two balls of fire appeared simultaneously in mid-air, hovering effortlessly above the Fire Servant's outstretched hands. The flames danced and flickered in the failing light of early evening. Under normal circumstances, one might be lulled into a relaxed state by the sight, but Kala could not afford that luxury. She watched as the Fire Servant launched the fireballs forward with lightning speed.

Kala reacted quickly, waving her right arm in a half-circle in front of her body. A shimmering sheath of water formed a protective shield. The fireballs hit the water together and fizzled, releasing two small puffs of steam. The shield collapsed, the water splashing down gently at Kala's feet.

"Huh," the Fire Servant tilted her head to the side, a look of amusement on her face. "Not bad, but I'm just getting started." She smiled, lowering her head as her eyes began to glow red and orange, flames rising from deep within her.

Not daring to take her eyes off her opponent, Kala bent her knees, lowering her hands to the ground. Rising quickly, she lifted her arms toward the sky. In a flash of movement, a wall of water rose over her head surrounding her entire body as the first fireballs flew in her direction. The wall slowly began to rotate around her as Kala's determination grew.

"You know the difference between you and I?" the Fire Servant yelled between volleys. "I can do this all day...but you can't!" The fireballs intensified, pummeling the wall of water in unison.

"Bring it on, bitch!" Kala returned, allowing her anger to rise to the surface momentarily. Regaining her composure, she focused all of her energy on maintaining the rotating shield. Fireball after fireball exploded against her protective wall, but Kala held her ground.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself," the Fire Servant shouted between bursts. "My name is Sonya, and I promise you, witch, mine will be the last name you ever hear!"

"I don't care who you are," Kala yelled through the shield. "You'll be dead soon enough!" Her anger was rising exponentially now, a dangerous emotion that would consume her long before the fire. She could not allow herself to lose control if she expected to accomplish her goal. She struggled to calm herself and focus only on waiting for the right moment. She knew the woman was goading her in an attempt to gain the upper hand, but Kala would not relent. She had to win this battle...for Scott.

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