Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 4

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Yuto P.O.V

In my field had one monster named the Phantom Knights of Torn Scales in Defense Position and I set two facedown cards. Meanwhile, Mr. K had his Number card name Number 34: Terror Byte in Defense Position while his controlling The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak that his Terror Byte's effect.

Then I see that Mr. K is laughing.

Mr. K: "Face it, Yuto. You'll never defeat me and my perfect dueling."

Yuto: "Seems you forgot that my Torn Scales has higher Def than my Ancient Cloak Atk that you took. You just wasted one of Number monster Overlay Units."

Mr. K: "That won't matter, I end my turn."

Then The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak returns to my side of the field and before I could say anything.

Astral: "It's my turn now!"

I blink a couple of times and I forget that Astral is right beside me so I looked at Astral.

Yuto: "Astral no offense, but do you mind if I take it from here."

He looks at me for a moment and nodded.

Astral: "Very well, Yuto. But if you're in a bad situation I'll take over."

I nodded at Astral.

Yuto: "It's a deal, Astral."

Meanwhile, Caswell looks at me with a confused look.

Caswell: "I know that Yuma sees and talks to someone, but Yuto is strange for him to talk like someone is there as well, in the end, should we be worried?"

Tori: "Like I said there's a spirit only he and Yuma can see, I know Yuto can handle this and win."

Yuto: "My turn, Draw!"

I draw a card.

Yuto: "I play the Spell Card: Pot of Greed! With this, I'm allowed to draw two more cards from my Deck."

I draw two more cards from my Deck.

Yuto: "Next I summon The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves in Attack Position!"

The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves (Atk 1000/Def 500/Warrior/Dark/LV 3)

Mr. K: "What a weak monster that my Number card will take away from you, Yuto."

Yuto: "You don't need to take my monsters anymore, Mr. K. Cause I'll go a little more defensive."

I said which got his attention.

Yuto: "Then I Overlay my Two Level 3 Torn Scales and Ragged Gloves!"

Then both two of my monsters turn into energy orbs that fly through to the sky, and then a galaxy vortex appeared in front of my field.

Yuto: "With these two monsters, I build the Overlay network!"

With that, both two energy orbs went inside the galaxy vortex and made an explosion of energy.

Yuto: "Souls of knights who fell on the battlefield. Revive here and now, and become the light that breaks the darkness! Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 3, The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!"

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (Atk 2000/Def 1000/Warrior/Dark/Rank 3/OLU 2)

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (Atk 2000/Def 1000/Warrior/Dark/Rank 3/OLU 2)

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Phantom Knights Male Reader Oc  x Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal [REMAKE]Where stories live. Discover now