Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 11

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3rd P.O.V

Within the mall there we see the Tsukumo Brothers along with Tori walking and then they hear something going on on the top floor.

Yuma: "What's going on?"

But Yuto noticed something falling from the top floor and saw a littered bot falling straight.


He quickly grabbed her to jump out of the way right before the litter bot fell. Yuto sees the litter bot and back at Tori.

Yuto: "You ok?"

She blushes a little and nodded.

Tori: "Yes I'm fine thanks to you, but can you let me go now."

She said with a small smile and a blush on her cheeks making Yuto blush because he was still holding her in bridal style and letting her go.

Yuto: "Sorry."

She smiles at him.

Tori: "Don't worry you did the right thing, my hero."

Then Yuma came to their side and see the news right in this very mall a criminal holding hostages on the top floor of the mall.

Yuto: "So that's what is going on."

Then he hears his D-Gazer ringing and checks that is his adopted Big Sister Kari calling us.

Kari: "Yuto are you with Yuma at the shopping mall?"

Yuto: "Yes."

Yuma starts to panic.

Yuma: "Yuto why did you tell her that?"

Yuto: "Yuma is quite obvious she knows we're here because we are on TV."

He points at one of the screens and sees that is true seeing himself along with Tori and Yuma.

Yuto: "Let me guess a report for you on this scenario?"

She nod.

Kari: "I know that it's dangerous, but can you do it?"

Yuto smile.

Yuto: "No need to worry Big Sis Kari I'll do it and try to be careful."

She smiles as well and nodded, then he ended the call and look at the screen one last time, but then noticed something on the criminal's left shoulder which surprised him.

Yuto: "A Number."

That got Yuma's attention and then his Emperor Key glowed right when Astral appeared out of it.

Astral: "You are correct Yuto that is a Number which means he possesses one."

Now Yuto knows what to do.

Yuto: "Yuma stay here with Tori I'll be back."

Then he quickly left to go to the top.

Yuma: "Wait, Yuto! I'm coming with you there's no way I'm missing this."

He ran after him and Tori decided to stay behind knowing how dangerous it is but couldn't help but worry for them, especially Yuto.

Tori: "Please be careful Yuto."

Meanwhile, right outside of the mall a certain individual is on the roof of the building. His name is Kaito with his robot servant is name Orbital 7.

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