Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 8

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Yuto P.O.V

Yuma and I were walking together heading for school and for the past few days after Yuma and Cathy got to know each other for some time and I start to see that Yuma was starting to like her which made me glad that my plan worked.

For the past three days after both Yuma and Cathy got to know each other for some time and Yuto start to see his brother starting to like her which made him glad. Also, Cathy told him she was the one who did those clothes and other things

Yuma: "Who would have guessed that was her all this time just to get my attention."

Yuto: "Well your dense idiot when it comes to girls, Yuma."

That made Yuma glare at me.

Yuma: "I'm not that bad."

Yuto: "You didn't know about her until my plan for setting up that Duel."

Which made him flinch and sigh.

Yuma: "I can't win against you."

Then we made it to the side of the street waiting for the light to turn red so that we can cross the other side which we did as both of us continue walking until we heard a motor sound we turn around to see a red motorcycle coming right at us.

With that, both Yuma and I quickly move out of the way and I made it to the other side safely I see Yuma stop in the middle of the street.

Then Yuma glare at the person and is about to tell him but widens his eyes to see who it was. I was surprised and look where he was looking and widen his eyes to see Shark on the same motorcycle.

Yuto: "Reginald..."

I was about to say something to him, but he immediately left and I sigh.

Mini Timeskip

At school in our classroom.

Yuma: "Made it."

Caswell: "I don't think so Yuma."

I look to see Caswell along with Tori and Bronk walking toward us, then Caswell stood in front of Yuma.

Caswell: "You're late."

Then he took Yuma's Deck Box and checked all the cards on them.

Yuma: "What are you talking about?"

He looks at Yuma.

Caswell: "It's time to explain about those Number cards?"

That got us to flinch.

Yuma: "If you want to know that I don't have them with me."

He looks at me and I nodded.

Tori: "It only appears when Astral appears right?"

I nodded

Caswell: "Who is this Astral?"

Yuto: "A spirit that has amnesia and doesn't remember anything, but to regain them by collecting Number cards."

I sigh.

Yuto: "Caswell is better to stop finding out about it and trust me it is for your safety."

Caswell: "What do you mean?"

Yuto leaned close to him.

Yuto: "May I remind you of the Crash Bug virus incident with Mr.K that you triggered."

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