Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 9

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3rd P.O.V 

In the Evening at the School there we see Yuto along with Tori, Cathy, and Caswell watching a Duel between Yuma against Bronk.

It's been a day after Yuma lost against Reginald and by that time Yuma kept Dueling against Bronk since school ended, then they see Yuma lost again.

Caswell: "That was twenty loses in a row."

Cathy couldn't help but worry about Yuma being like this. Then Yuma gets up.

Yuma: "Nice move Bronk, let's go again."

He sighs and starts to walk away.

Bronk: "I had enough, I'm going home."

He got his bag and walk away, then Yuto and Tori went after Bronk while Yuma was challenging Caswell.

Mini Timeskip

Yuto and Tori catch up to Bronk.

Tori: "Bronk, what's wrong?"

He stopped and sigh.

Bronk: "It's just that I don't like the way Yuma is, he broke his promise not to use the Number cards."

Yuto: "I know that Bronk, but you didn't see Yuma hesitate at that moment."

Bronk looks at Yuto.

Yuto: "He never breaks a promise that I know him too well, but Reginald wanted him to summon the very card that beaten him so Bronk tells me this, is a promise more important than to help someone who said a request to get back to the game."

That made Bronk think about it long and hard every word he said.

Bronk: "But Yuto he breaks his promise."

Which made Yuto sigh.

Yuto: "Seems you don't know that Dueling is not to make promises it is an honored game and from the heart, if you don't understand that then you quit being a Duelist."

Which made Bronk widen his eyes with a surprised look and Tori gasped and covered her mouth with her hand after hearing that.

Yuto: "Do you think that promises can help you to the top of the Dueling world, it isn't, and trust me Bronk it will drag you down to the abyss and you'll never climb back again."

Yuto walked past Bronk while putting his hand in his pocket, then both Bronk and Tori looked in Yuto's direction and the words he said also Tori got more worried about Yuto acting like this.

Mini Timeskip

At night at the Tsukumo house, we see Yuto sitting on his bed in thought about Reginald, then he looks at the picture again with a sad expression, then he thought about the past.


Two years ago. There we see Yuto run quickly to the hospital heading to a specific room as he entered the room and see Reginald on the bed the girl bandaged up.

He is shocked to see her condition and went to Reginald's side.

Yuto: "W-What happened?"

Reginald didn't say anything but looked down in sadness so he walk towards him.

Yuto: "Reginald tell me who did this?"

He sigh.

Reginald: "I don't know, I got a call an hour ago from the hospital about her getting hurt and going into a coma."

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