Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 14

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3rd P.O.V

Both Yuto and Tori were walking together looking around at the amusement park and seeing a lot of rides, game stands with prizes, and food stands for the people to try out.

Tori: "This is amazing, Yuto."

Yuto nod agreed with her and mentally thanked his adopted grandmother for this and hopefully return the favor for her someday.

As both Tori and Yuto went past some game stands interested in the prizes.

Vendor: "Step right up!"

They looked to see a Vendor standing in front of a stand which got them interested and went to check it out.

Vendor: "Whoever figures out these puzzles will win a grand prize which is a mysterious Dueling Deck of just 100 Yen for three tries."

Both of them noticed the Deck in the glass box and saw the mysterious puzzle which got them interested.

Tori: "How about you try it, Yuto? It looks interesting."

Yuto thought for a moment and nodded.

Yuto: "Sure I'll give it a go and win that Deck for you."

Tori: "You don't have to do that for me, Yuto."

Yuto: "I want to Tori and besides I get the feeling that Deck will suit you well."

She smiles to hear that from him, and then Yuto walks towards the Vendor and hands him the 100 Yen to him.

Vendor: "Well kid like I explained before solving the puzzles of this game and the Deck is all yours."

He just nodded and let the game begin.

Mini Timeskip

A few minutes later there we see Yuto just sighing with relief just finished solving the last one of the puzzles much to the Vendor's surprise.

Vendor: "My word I thought to create an impossible puzzle but you did it kid and now here's your prize."

He gave him the Deck which Yuto thanked him for and inspected it.

Yuto: "Oh it's a Winged-Beast Deck it fits Tori."

He went back to her and she could see the Deck that he won.

Tori: "I knew you could do it, Yuto."

Yuto: "Thanks Tori and here's your Deck and it will suit you well."

He hands her the Deck so she can see it and it's a Winged-Beast Deck.

Tori: "You think I can Duel well like you, Yuto?"

He nods with a smile.

Yuto: "Of course, with good practice and understanding of your Deck you can beat Yuma easily and even rival me as well."

This made her smile to hear and placed the Deck in her purse for safekeeping.

Yuto: "Come on let's get something to eat before checking the other rides at the amusement park."

She nodded with a smile feeling a bit hungry and walked with him.

Mini Timeskip

Both Yuto and Tori exited the restaurant after eating well and continued walking to see the other places in the park.

Until Tori sees a roller coaster of Captain Corn Nature Crooz.

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