Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 10

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3rd P.O.V

At nighttime in the museum there we see the Tag Duel is still on.

Scorch LP: 2400

On his field is Number 61: Volcasaurus with no more Overlay units.

Chills LP: 4000

And on his field are his two monsters and a facedown card.

Reginald Kastle LP: 1100

He only has one facedown card on his field. Then they look to see the smoke where Yuto is when the effect of Volcasaurus hits his Rusty Bardiche.

Yuma and Bronk are nervous about what happened at that move. But Tori is extremely worried about him taking major damage.

Astral: "Stayed calm knowing Yuto has something up his sleeve."

Both Scorch and Chills laugh.

Chills: "That kid had it coming."

Scorch: "Yeah and his biggest mistake was to summon out a high attack point monster just to be destroyed

They laugh again Yuma is mad hearing that, then the smoke starts to clear up, and sees how he is. But both of them are shocked to see what they won't believe.

There is no scratch at Yuto at all and his life points hadn't any damage at all as well.

Yuto Tsukumo LP: 4000

Even his Rusty Bardiche is still on his field but holding some kind of dark sword.

The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche (Atk 2100 - 2900/Def 900/Warrior/Dark/Rank 3/OLU 2)

That made everyone surprised to see except for Reginald who smirk at this.

Chills: "What the, but how?"

Scorch: "Yeah that monster should have been destroyed and your life points had been damaged already?"

Yuto smirk at them and point at his face-up card and see it is a Trap Card with a picture of a dark sword shining.

Yuto: "Thanks to this Trap Card: Phantom Knights Sword."

He shows the Trap Card is activated.

Yuto: "With it, I equipped to my Rusty Bardiche and prevent his destruction once."

Then the Continuous Trap Card dematerializes and sends it to the graveyard and the Rusty Bardiche sword is gone and the Atk returns to its original Atk of Rusty Bardiche.

The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche (Atk 2900 - 2100/Def 900/Warrior/Dark/Rank 3/OLU 2)

That got both of them mad at that.

Reginald: "You always one step ahead huh?"

He looks at his friend with a smirk as well.

Yuto: "You know me so well after all and the Number card doesn't have Overlay units anymore."

That made both thugs smirk.

Scorch: "You may have been saved brat but Shark, on the other hand, has no monster and this will end it, attack him directly."

The fire monster shoots its attack straight at Reginald head-on.

Shark: "I don't think so, I activate the Trap Card: Zeus's Breath, which stops your attack."

His Trap Card flips and a wind storm show up and stop the attack which made Scorch is annoyed to see his attack fail and grabbed four cards from his hand.

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