Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 15

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3rd P.O.V

After Yuto defeated Captain Corn they fell into the abyss of the Trap set by Captain Corn.

Yuto noticed that they were close to the bottom and he quickly grabbed Tori in time much to her surprise, and then both

Then both of them crashed to the ground with Yuto taking the pain when he moved Tori on top of him Tori got worried because he protected her from the fall.

Tori: "Are you okay, Yuto?"

Yuto nods with a smile.

Yuto: "It's alright, Tori what matters to me is that you're okay."

Which made her more worried.

Tori: "Ok, but please go easy on yourself."

He nodded and got up along with her, then they noticed a light ahead of them so they walked towards it but made sure to keep their guard up.

Once they arrived and saw the advanced city and also a race track.

Yuto: "A race track, but what is this place?"

???: "So you're my next victim."

They turn around to see someone appear out of the shadows.

Thunder Spark: "My name is Thunder Spark and I welcome you to my course."

This got Yuto to move in front of Tori protectively.

Yuto: "So you must another Number Hunter."

Thunder Spark: "I am and also to take y-."

But before he could finish his sentence he noticed Tori whose eyes were shaped like a heart.

Thunder Spark: "Hello my beautiful~"

Which made Tori uncomfortable and Yuto very annoyed.

Yuto: "Hey I'm your opponent so leave Tori out of this."

Thunder Spark: "Tori what a lovely. Same for such a maiden."

Again a tick mark formed on his forehead having enough of this guy.

Yuto: "Are you gonna Duel or what Thunder Boy?"

A tick mark appeared on Thunder Spark's forehead and butt heads with Yuto.

Thunder Spark: "Who are you calling Thunder Boy you peasant?"

Yuto: "It's you Thunder Boy and also no one flirts with my Tori."

Which of course made her blush at his statement.

Yuto: "So are we gonna Duel or what?"

Thunder Spark: "Fine then if I win I'll get your Number card and also take Miss Tori on a date."

Which got Yuto very annoyed.

Yuto: "Bring it on, Thunder Boy and I won't lose for Tori."

He prepared his Duel Disk, but Thunder Spark raised his hand.

Thunder Spark: "Hold up we aren't Dueling this way I have something better in mind."

That got Yuto confused and then Thunder Spark snapped his fingers and suddenly they heard motor sounds and saw two D-Wheels on the track.

Thunder Spark: "We shall Duel while riding on a motorcycle known as a D-Wheel for a Duel called Riding Duel, Duelists would lock into combat in a world of speed, flying through the streets with their monsters on their side."

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