Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 6

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Yuto P.O.V

After I caught Nelson who sneak up in the night at the studio and got his Sparrow costume. Sparrow and I Duel cause he was posses by the Number card and on his field is Beast-Warrior Puma, D.D. Esper Star Sparrow and the Number 83: Galaxy Queen with the Equip Spell Card: Furious Max Curse and one facedown card.

Sparrow LP: 4000

While on my field are Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak and Silent Boots who are in Level 4 thanks to the Break Swords effect, Continous Trap Card: Phantom Knights of Fog Blade, and one facedown card.

Yuto Tsukumo LP: 3500

Sparrow: "Give up, Furious Max! You can't defeat me and I will save my friend from your control!"

I fake grit my teeth from thinking and look at Nelson

Yuto: "He still thinks that he's the Sparrow and thanks to the Number's influenced increases his pressure to be the hero." 

But then I remembered Nelson's mother which gave me an idea, so I use my D-Gazer to contact someone who could help me.

Yuto: "Come on..."

Then a screen pop from my D-Gazer to reveal Tori who is sleepy cause it is nighttime.

Tori: "Yuto? Why are you calling me at this hour?"

Yuto: "Listen, Tori. I need you to find the manager of the Sparrow and bring her here to the Studio now."

I said which made her confused as to why I said that.

Tori: "Why?"

Yuto: "Listen. I'm Dueling against the Sparrow the one who causes the attack, right now. And I can't explain now, but I need you to bring the manager here as soon as you can, get it?"

Tori sees that I'm being serious right now, then she nodded at me.

Tori: "Ok, Yuto. I'll bring the manager here at the Studio."

With that, I ended the call and looked back at Sparrow on the stage.

Yuto: "Don't worry, Nelson. I'll free you from the control of the Number control."

Sparrow: "Make your move, Furious Max."

Yuto: "My turn, Draw!"

I draw a card.

Yuto: "Now I Overlay my Two Level 4 Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak and Silent Boots."

Both of my monsters turn to energy orbs and fly through the sky, then we see a galaxy vortex appear on my field.

Yuto: "With these two monsters, I build the Overlay network."

Both energy orbs went inside the galaxy vortex to make an explosion of energy

Yuto: "Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend! Xyz Summon! Rank4 ! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!"

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (Atk 2500/Def 2000/Dragon/Dark/Rank 4/OLU 2)

Yuto: "Then I play the Spell Card: Xyz Treasure, I can draw one card for each Xyz monster from both of our fields."

I draw two more cards from my Deck cause theirs two Xyz monsters.

Yuto: "Battle Phase! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon attacks Beast-Warrior Puma with Revolt of Lightning! Disobey!"

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