Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 7

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3rd P.O.V

In the night at the Tsukumo house, there we see Yuto sleeping peacefully until he heard some kind of whooshing sound coming from Yuma's room which means in the attic.

Yuto opened his eyes and yawned as he kept hearing those sounds.

Yuto: "Ok this is happening for a couple of days this stops now."

So he went to check it out, then he reached the attic to see a young girl with silver hair wearing a black outfit for stealth and wearing glasses. But when he saw the shape of her looked almost like cat ears as he recognized it.

 But when he saw the shape of her looked almost like cat ears as he recognized it

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Yuto: "What are you doing here, Cathy?"

He said as she flinch his voice and she looks at him.

Cathy: "H-Hi. Yuto."

Yuto knew her since they are in the same class together. Also, he knows that she has a crush on Yuma, so he sighs and looks at her.

Yuto: "Listen, Cathy. I know that you like Yuma and all, but can you please keep it down a bit I'm trying to sleep."

He said as she nodded.

Cathy: "Sorry about that, Yuto."

He nodded and went back to his bed, but Astral followed him.

Astral: "Yuto, why didn't you stop her?"

He looks at Astral.

Yuto: "She just trying to get him to notice her, but the way she's doing it won't do it."

That got him to think for a bit.

Astral: "So why not help her?"

That got his attention from Astral question.

Yuto: "Well I could, but I need a way to get him to know her first."

Astral nodded as Yuto began to yawn and get sleepy.

Yuto: "I'll figure something out, also Astral doesn't tell Yuma anything about me talking to her, okay?"

He said as Astral nodded in agreement.

Astral: "Okay goodnight, Yuto."

Yuma: "Night, Astral."

Then Astral went back to Yuma while Yuto went back to sleep in his room


At school in the classroom, everyone was talking and Tori was talking to Bronk about Astral.

Tori: "I am getting worried though."

Bronk: "What do you mean, Tori?"

Tori: "What I mean is that both Yuto and Yuma are the only ones to see Astral and help him to get those Number cards."

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