Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 16

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3rd P.O.V

In the monitoring room there we see a man watching Yuto defeating Thunder Spark who was intrigued by Yuto.

???: "So, he defeated Captain Corn and Thunder Spark, huh? I suppose I should expect no less."

As he watched one of the monitors.

???: "But. We mustn't let him go, not like this."

So he turns around and looks at the other monitor.

???: "Princess Cologne. It's finally your turn."

Then he sees Princess Cologne on one of the monitors.

Princess Cologne: "Yes, sir."

???: "You must defeat this boy, no matter what. Fail, and we'll return you to your former shape."

Princess Cologne: "No! I don't wanna go back!"

???: "Then defeat Yuto Tsukumo for us. Do whatever it takes."

Princess Cologne: "Yuto Tsukumo..."

Back to the track both Yuto and Tori were standing while crying a little because Thunder Spark faded away.

Then he looks at the Number card Thunder Spark Dragon feeling the emotions of his old master of great sadness and sorrow.

Yuto: "I promise you that I will not treat you badly and honor Thunder Spark his wish."

Then the card glows a bit feeling the dragon's emotion being happy to hear that and will fight by his side. Then he looks at Tori.

Yuto: "Come on we need to get out of here."

She nodded in understanding and both of them got on the bike and rode off to an exit.

While riding Tori looks at Yuto seeing he's thinking while focusing on where he's going.

Yuto: "Are you doing alright, Tori?"

Tori: "Yeah I'm okay."

Yuto: I'm sorry."

This got her attention.

Yuto: "For everything that's happened At Captain Corn and Thunder Spark, all I wanted to make you happy for this date and this goes wrong because of me."

This made her sad to see that he wanted to feel happy for the date to go perfectly and then she huh him a bit tighter.

Tori: "It's quite alright not everything goes perfectly or planned just like you said when you Dueled Mr. K and besides I'm just happy to see that your card so much about my well-being."

This got him a bit surprised but smiled and continued looking ahead to follow a road. Then sees an exit and goes for it and sees they made it out of there.

Tori: "Where are we?"

Yuto looked around not recognizing the surroundings but noticed a mansion far ahead of them.

Yuto: "Don't know but we can go there and see if someone is there to ask a way out of here."

Then they headed to the mansion and once the two of them made it Yuto parked the runner and they took off their helmets.

They look at the mansion like they feel like something is not right about the place Tori noticed and when he was about to knock on the door, suddenly it opened on its own much to their surprise.

This made Yuto narrow his eyes which Tori noticed.

Tori: "Something wrong?"

Yuto: "I have a bad feeling about this Tori so stay close to me okay?"

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