Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 12

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Yuto P.O.V

I was staring at the four familiar individuals but noticed something that I wearing and so did three girls they wore red jewel rings on their wedding fingers and so did mine.

Yuto: "Does that mean that all three of them are my wives?"

But when I started walking towards them a bright flash of light appeared which blinded me and when I opened my eyes I saw the four familiar individuals were going and heard a voice coming behind me.

???: "You must choose from which side you are on, ???"

I look behind me to see a black-haired haired with purple on it who is wearing black and purple armor mostly black and his wearing a black Cape also his face is blank so I can't see his face.

Yuto: "Who are you and why do I feel like you are a part of me or something?"

The armored figure says nothing and another flash of light happened which blinded me once more.

3rd P.O.V

Yuto lying on the street unconscious, but then his eyes suddenly gasp at the sudden feeling.

Yuto: "What was that?"

But then he remembered what happened a few moments before he jumped to save Tori.

Yuto: "TORI!!!"

He looks to the other side of the street and sees Tori frozen in mid-air which confuses him.

Kaito: "I was right about you having a Number card as well."

He turns in a direction and sees Yuma, Astral, and the same teen he saw back at the mall.

Astral: "Yuto please take over this Duel, that's the Number Hunter."

This brings his attention and looks at him seeing that he is the same person from the mall.

Yuto: "So you're the Number Hunter, huh?"

Kaito: "That's a right Kid and you better be ready because after I finish him and take his Number you'll be next."

This got Yuto to narrow his eyes seeing he was way too confident.

Astral: "Yuto please take over this Duel."

He looks at Astral and then at Yuma seeing that he doesn't want to so he sighs.

Yuto: "As much that I want to but this Yuma's Duel and he has to handle things on his own without me around."

Then he walks towards the corner where Tori is and looks back at them.

Yuto: "I'll stick to the sidelines for now."

This got Yuma to smile seeing that his brother allowed him to do this.

Yuma: "Alright! Thanks, Yuto. But hopefully, I can win this."

Yuto nodded then got his D-Gazer on and activated seeing the field which surprised him.

Kaito Tenjo LP: 4000

Number 10: Illumiknight (Atk 2400/Def 2400/Warrior/Light/Rank 4/OLU 2)

Number 20: Giga Brilliant (Atk 1800/Def 1800/Insect/Light/Rank 3/OLU 2)

That got Yuto surprised to see the Number Hunter had two Number monsters out on his field, but to his attention is that the Numbers were not influencing him at all.

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