Zexal Season 1 - Chapter 13

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At the Tsukumo home in a room, Yuma was sitting on the bed in his thoughts and depressed, and Astral was floating in his thoughts thinking about the same thing.

The Number Hunter Kaito the way he Dueled against them and countered every move they made made them lose confidence in themselves.

Yuma: "I wasn't strong enough to beat him, he outsmarted me with every move I made and counter everything he's on a whole new level."

Astral in his thoughts about the Duel against the Number Hunter Kaito.

Astral: "It is my fault we almost lost to the Number Hunter."

Then a flashback of Kaito ordering his dragon to attack and was about to finish them.

Astral: "If the Duel didn't stop I would have vanished, but more importantly."

Another flashback about Yuto's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon suddenly appearing in spirit form roaring at Kaito's Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon who roared back and an energy phenomenon happened between the two dragons this made Astral very intrigued at this.

Astral: "The Number Hunter's Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and Yuto's Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon have some kind of connection between them, but I felt like they are speaking to each other or that there is something more between them."

Both of them still thought until the door opened to reveal to be Yuto walking in and noticed both of them in their thoughts.

Yuto: "This is the first time I've seen Yuma like this, but can't blame him for what he finally understood."

Then he walks towards them and hits Yuma's head making him fall to the floor and he glares at his brother.


Yuto: "Getting you out of your thoughts Yuma, look I know that you're down about what happened but don't let that stop you."

He stood up glaring at him.

Yuma: "Really because if you didn't get it I almost lost against someone who will take the Numbers and my soul, how can I stop thinking of that possibility about that Yuto."

Yuto can see Yuma's expression quite well and see he's very afraid and thinking about Yuma's safety

Yuto: "Then give me the Number cards."

This brought his surprise along with Astral hearing what he said.

Yuto: "He won't come after you if the Number cards are with me and not you."

Yuma: "Are you crazy?! He will come after you with everything he's got to contain those cards and your soul?!"

Yuto: "I know that and that's why I'm going to do this since you're too afraid to Duel against Kaito again."

This made him flinch at that facing Kaito again and look down in shame.

Yuto: "Look Yuma you can't be down so easily just because of Kaito, you must go forward and feel the flow."

This got him to cheer up a little hearing that then the door opened to reveal Tori, Bronk, and Cathy.

Bronk: "Yo guys you got to see this."

This brought their attention and Bronk showed them an announcement of the World Duel Carnival.

Yuto: "World Duel Carnival."

Bronk: "Yeah it's a big tournament and it's going to be held in the heartland, more importantly, tough and strong Duelists from all over the world will be participating."

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