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"Would you forgive me with a popsicle?"
"Chongyun! Wait up!" You yelled at him as he ran up to the man at the entrance of the Test of Courage. When you caught up with him, the man rolled his eyes at Chongyun.
"Oh not you again! Listen, if your here for evil spirits again, I'm sorry I can't help you!" He told him and Chongyun's face flushed a bit with embarrassment.
"No! I promise, we're here to have a good time." Chongyun grabbed your hand and then smiled at the guy, who eyed you both weirdly.
"Alright, but one wrong move I kick you both out!" The man warned us and Chongyun thanked him, and pulled you along. "What did he mean by that?" You asked him, not familiar of the time where him and the Traveler coming here on evil spirit duty.
Turns out, the place was just rigged.
"Don't worry about it! What matters now, is that we got through." He looked your way and smiled at you, squeezing your hand.
"If you say so..." You trusted him and shrugged your shoulders, focusing on the time you were about to spend with the person you cared about most.
You and Chongyun had a blooming relationship that started not too long ago, but ever since you two made it official, it's been nothing but pure happiness.
The two of you were made for each other, completely obsessed over one another. The Cryo boy wasn't very icy on the outside or the inside, he was such a love bug on the inside.
The night starry sky was upon you, and the moon was full. Fog was settling in, and the wind was brushing the tree leaves. Bushes were rattling and voices came from behind you.
Your hand tightened around Chongyun's and you looked over your shoulder to see no one there, a chill running up your spine. "Um, Chongyun?" You pulled slightly on his sleeve and he looked over to you, your face a little panicked.
He smiled at you, noticing. "Don't worry, Y/N! It's all fake, we're just here to have fun!" He cheered and brought your hands to his mouth, pressing a kiss against your knuckles.
You were still nervous, feeling a little better after hearing the boy's words. Loud footsteps had been coming from beside you, and you looked to your side to see once again, nothing at all.
Instead of holding his hand, you decided to loop arms with him. You felt a little more safer, your heart beat quickening in seconds.
A loud groan was heard from in front of you, followed by several screams and a loud bang. The Test of Courage was really testing how courageous you really were, but currently you were probably failing.
Your arm tightened around Chongyun's as you entered the area with the loud screams, and suddenly a man popped up out of no where, screaming in your ear.
You shrieked but then clapped a hand over your mouth, Chongyun laughing at your reaction. You made a face at him, clearly scared. "How do you do this all the time!? It's scary!" You cried and both of your arms wrapped around his arm.
Chongyun pulled you into a hug, and you buried your head into the crook of his neck. "It's all fake, Y/N! Just focus on me, I promise it's not that bad!"
You nodded and stood back up straight, your eyes darting in the direction of where another scream came from. Your heart beat was in your ears, and you reached out to Chongyun.
But to your surprise, the air was empty. Your man wasn't there, and you began to panic. "Chongyun?" You called out, clearly distressed.
"Chongyun!?" You yelled out again, your precious popsicle boy no where to be seen.
You kept trailing up the path, your arms around yourself. The path getting darker and darker by the moment, a large tree in front of you. It's branches stretched out across the pathway, more dark shadows looming over you.
As soon as you walked past the tree, a low groan came from your side by the tree, and you backed up slightly, only to have arms wrapped around your waist and pull you towards the tree.
You screamed bloody murder, only to be nose to nose with a smiley face, the person shook with laughter. The popsicle boy's arms tightening around you, "It's me, Y/N!" He said, petting your hair. "I'm sorry! I couldn't resist!" He said to you, which in response your stuck your head in the crook of his neck.
"You're mean!" You said, cuddling into him. "Awww, Y/N! I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" Chongyun felt bad after he genuinely saw you were scared, he sat up with you in his lap, arms never leaving you.
"Would you forgive me with a popsicle?" He offered, one appearing in his hands. Your eyes lit up, and you took the popsicle from him. "You promise you won't scare me again?"
The boy smiled down at you and got up, "I promise!" He said cheerfully, and carried you all the way back home with you in tow, munching on the popsicle.