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"I like you when your jealous, it's cute yet a little scary."
Angel's Share was lively tonight, filled with Knights of Favonius and folks from the Adventurer's Guild, Diluc had delivered a brand new batch of Dandelion Wine to the Tavern, and everyone had wanted a taste of Mondstadt's delicacy.
You had been scrubbing down a table for more customers to sit down at, the whole place was bouncing off the walls. Kaeya and Amber had been upstairs swinging off the chandelier, Jean and Lisa were laughing hysterically at some picture at the wall and Venti, well, he was dancing ontop of tables.
Speaking of the tone-deaf bard, he jumped ontop of the table you had just cleaned and started dancing. "Venti! Get down before you hurt yourself!" You yelled and him but instead other customers cheered on his dancing while you shook you head and sighed, it was no use.
"Oh come on, Y/N! Loosen up a bit!" He cried out and held out a hand to you, but you shook your head. You and Diluc didn't partake in their times at the tavern, only because you had sampled the drinks too many times you were sick of it.
You sighed and continued cleaning other tables until you heard the door slam by the entrance, along with a high pitched girly squeal. You looked up and instantly regretted looking.
You groaned out loud, "Oh come on! Who let her in!?" You scrubbed your tables furiously and a loud, "DILUC!" came from the bar. You had hoped that your Darknight Hero was attending the situation better than what you pictured in your head, she would hang all over your man and send glares your way the whole night.
Diluc, who was always nice, didn't exactly want a paying customer kicked out of his bar just because of her feelings for him, which of course, he'd never return. He had only you in his eyes and it would remain that way.
You stomped upstairs and started scrubbing off stains of spilled Dandelion Wine off the wooden tables, cleaning up empty mugs and any trash that lied around.
Your ears picked up a conversation and you begun to eavesdrop, but continued to do your job.
"Did you see that chick hanging all over Diluc?" A member from the Adventurer's Guild said to his companion sitting across the table. "Donna? Isn't she the crazy girl by the gates of town who always cries, 'All I can think about is Diluc!'" The Adventurer mocked her voice.
The other man laughed and nodded his head, "Yeah! I heard that Mr. Dawn Winery had a lover on his sleeve but not many people know about them. Think he ditch them for Donna?" Oh your blood was boiling. Your whole face was red to the core including the tips of your ears, they were lucky you didn't yell at them here and now.