Lisa • Soothing

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"I can't help it, your voice is so soothing

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"I can't help it, your voice is so soothing."


The wind blew around you as your footsteps echoed around the walls of a staircase going up to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. The giant windmills above your head made the air colder than it needed to be, a simple smile appearing on your lips at the birds flying by. It was a perfect day.

Amber was above you, gliding with the breeze and you waved at her. She smiled and waved back, her glider taking her down to the main town of Mondstadt. You grinned at her surprised face as she zipped down and soon out of your eyesight, your footsteps continued up the stairway until you finally reached the doors of your destination.

You smiled to the guards standing by the doors and you went through, looking for a certain mage. Walking through the doors, your eyes glued to the library sign above an entranceway. Your heartbeat increased in pace as you knew who was through those doors and you had missed her.

You had only just seen her only a few hours ago, but her presence was vital to you. Your significant other meant absolutely everything and what a stress reliever she was.

In the mornings while you had both had been struggling to get out of bed, she would rest your head on her chest and stroke your hair to ever so softly tell you it was time to wake up.

Her soft lips would pepper your face in pure bliss and her heart hurt everytime she would have to wake up such a innocent face. Her fingers would stroke your cheeks gently as you would regretfully get up and have to start your day.


"Hey cutie." You heard her voice say as you walked into the library, the smile on your face never faltered. Your eyes glided across the room, scanning for the electro mage until you finally looked up to the woman leaning on the fence above you.

Lisa was leaning her head on the palm of her hand, looking down at you with a smile.

"Well there's a face I longed to see." She said and watched you scurry up the stairs to dash into her arms, her eyes sparkling with delight.

You crashed into her arms and held onto her tightly, she clutched your head to her chest. "I missed you, Lisa." You said quietly after a long day at work, all you had wanted was to retire to your chambers together.

"How adorable you're being today! Such a sweetheart." Her hands rubbed your back and her lips touched your forehead, a smile forming on both of your faces.

"What made you visit me at work?" She said stroking the back of your head in a calming matter, all of the stress piled on you today was fading away.

"Just a stressful day at Angel's Share, some guy was upset that I didn't use the same glass he always uses. Like seriously? It's a glass." You let out an annoyed sigh and her face frowns.

"My poor darling, take a seat. I'll bring you a cup of tea." She said walked away, going down the stairs you came up. You looked to her desk, an open book had laid out with a book mark stuck in the spine of it.

Curiosity struck you and you got up to see what Lisa had been reading today, the sun's rays shining directly onto the desk before you. Once you reached the desk, your fingers ran across the book. Quickly skimming the lines of the page it had been flipped to, until your eyes caught sight of a photograph.

Your heart swelled in delight at seeing a picture of yourself in a picture frame standing upright on Lisa's desk. It was a picture of you at Mondstadt's fountain in the heart of the anemo city, a bright smile on your face as you posed for the camera.

A giggle escaped your lips at the small flashbacks of those memories, a familiar voice ringing out to you.
"Y/N, come sit down on the couch over here and sip this tea, it'll relax you."

You came over eagerly and sat down on the couch with her, retrieving the cup from her hands. You sipped your tea and gave a small smile, she made it just the way you had liked it.

Lisa held up a matching tea cup to yours, also sipping her own. "Feel a little better, cutie?" She asked you and you nodded. "Much, thank you." You said as the tea slowly began to relax you.

"Will you read to me?" You asked softly, a yawn coming from your mouth. She let out a soft laugh, "Sleepy, are you?"

"I can't help it, your voice is so soothing."

She leaned over towards you and placed a kiss on your cheek, "Anything for you, cutie. Is there a certain genre you'd like?"

You shook your head and the mage had gotten up, walking over to one of the bookshelves. Her eyes went over the spines of the books carefully until they stopped on one. She plucked it from its resting position and she returned to you with it in tow.

"How about the Boar Princess?" She said and sat down next to you, you nodded while sipping the rest of your tea.

"One of the best classics." You said and rested your head on her lap like you would normally. You looked up at Lisa to see her bright smile beaming down at you, one of her hands running through your hair while the other had the book cracked open.

"Y/N..." She says softly, then leans over to kiss your forehead. You said bluntly, "You missed a spot."

You both giggled like children as you both kissed, and then went back into your original positions.

"Do you still want me to read, cutie?" She asked you and you nodded. "There's no place I'd rather be but right here. Let me nap hearing your voice, please!" You said with a blush on your cheeks and Lisa's face had reddened slightly.

"If you insist." She strokes your hair and begins to read,

"In the myths of ages past, every living being in this world had its own kingdom. Mondstadt was a forest in that age, a playground of the boars.
In the forest was the Boar Kingdom, where everybody lived happily under the reign of the Boar King."

Your eyes closed as she continued to read on, her soft voice filling your ears. Her delicate touches made you more exhausted, a smile formed on your lips. You were living the life you had dreamed of.

"I love you." Came from your lips and Lisa stopped reading to caress your face. The book she was reading was placed at her side and both of her hands were on either side of your face. Her lips connected with yours and she smiled after she broke free,
"I love you forever and always, my sweet Y/N. Get some rest."

You snuggled more into her lap and your drowsy self began to take over you. You spent your evening asleep in Lisa's arms until it was time to go home together in endless affection.

Hiiii all!

Thanks for reading!
Tighnari is next!!

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