Sorry for the lack of updates this past week! I got extremely sick and needed to recover!
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"Y/NNN! I want rum!"
"Beidou!" You called out to your captain, who was probably the drunkest out of the crew. She was dancing ontop of a barrel, showing a little too much skin then she needed to. The crew was laughing and having a great time, but you were the only one sober.
"WHERES THE RUM!?" One of the crew members shouted, angry that someone had put the alcohol away. Which that person was you.
Beidou was enough already, the whole crew? Now that was scary. But lucky for you, Kazuha came to your rescue. He shook his head at seeing the captain, "How many bottles has she had?" He asked you, and you rubbed your temples. "She's on bottle twenty-three." You said and Kazuha let out a low whistle.
"That's nothing. On our anniversary last year, she went up to almost forty." You cringed after remembering the events of that day, but the night led to a sleepless night filled with passion for the two of you.
"Forty!? How hasn't she had alcohol poisoning yet?" Kazuha looked worried for his friend and then Beidou yelled out, "Somebody grab the other rum crates!"
You groaned and walked up to her, you held out her hand. "Beidou, c'mon, you've had plenty to drink tonight. Let's go before you hurt yourself." You say, and Beidou laughs at you.
"There's three of you, Y/N! Awww, come give me a smooch!" She said in a slurred over voice before taking a step off of the barrel, tumbling down towards you. You acted quickly and scooped her up into your arms, Beidou still laughing like a maniac.
"Awww look you caught me! I guess I'm just falling for you constantly! Let's do it again!" She said excitedly and scrambled out of your arms, heading straight for the railing of the ship.
"Ack! No! Stop!" You cried out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into your arms before she had the chance to leap over the railing and into the ocean blow.
"But whyyyy? It looked so much fun! You'd catch me anyways!" Beidou hicked and tried moving out of your arms but you refused to let her go.
"No! We're going back to our quarters and you're going to sleep!" You said and picked up Beidou with no effort, walking back to your quarters and leaving Kazuha with the drunken crew.
You kicked your door open and threw her onto your bed, her snorts and laughs filled the room. She acted like she was absolutely insane, but she was just highly drunk. "Y/NNN! I want rum!" She said and began to run towards the door but you stopped her and dragged her back to your shared bed.
"Absolutely not! You are to fall asleep and stop drinking so much! You're going to hurt yourself when I'm not around!" You huffed and you both plopped onto the bed, Beidou's head in your lap. She watched the ocean from the other side of the room, the doors had been open to your balcony and the ocean waves were crashing against the hull of the ship.
You bent over and placed a kiss on her forehead, "Love, go to sleep." You said softly, your fingers caressing her cheek. "Noooo!" Beidou said, trying to get up again to go towards your balcony.
"Beidou-" you spoke and wrapped your arms around her shoulders and whispered in her ear, "Down, lie down." Your hands rubbed up and down her arms, she watched your every move. Her body grew sleepy from the alcohol she took in, she obeyed your wishes and closed her eyes.
You smiled and brushed a stray lock of hair to the side of her face before sliding over to your side of the bed. You wrapped yourself around the blankets and settled in, Beidou snoring loudly next to you.
You grinned and snuggled into her back, passing out for the night. The two of you slept like babies, it was probably one of the best nights you've ever slept even though Beidou would wake up with a bad hangover.
You yawned and stretched your legs, your body finally awaking after it's long slumber. You looked down to your right to notice Beidou still out cold, so you decided to get up and walk out to your balcony.
It wasn't a bad idea to see the new day and start off with some fresh air, it was a gorgeous morning after all. You crawled out of bed, carefully not waking up Beidou, and made your way to the balcony. You pushed open the doors, the salt of the ocean reaching your nose immediately.
Seagulls screamed overhead, dolphins had been jumping out of the water while you watched it all from the captain quarter's balcony. You leaned over the railing, taking a deep breath before letting it all out. A groan came from behind you, Beidou's voice groggy as she walked up behind you.
"How many did I drink?" She asked you, her arms going around your torso and her head on your shoulder. "Twenty-three this time." You said and kissed her forehead, a another groan coming out of her mouth. "The whole crew was out of it, and I left poor Kazuha up there while I tended to you." You booped her nose with your finger, a small smile on her face.
"The whole crew was drunk!? Did anyone jump off?" She asked you, and you laughed. "I don't think so, but you were close to." You said with a grin, her expression clearly annoyed with herself.
"One of these days when your not around, I'm going to wake up stranded on a beach." She said, her fingers lacing with yours. You kissed the top of her head again, wanting to make her hangover go away.
"Impossible, I'll always be there." You said cheekily and winked at her, a wide smile spreading over her face. "Does that mean I can go to fifty bottles on our anniversary this year?"