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"Well, I need you more."
You pulled one of Jean's favorite books off of the shelf in your shared home, then heading back to your spot on the couch. You curled up with a blanket and cracked the book open, a thin layer of dust floating up into the air.
Your eyes began skimming the pages, each page reminding you of your nights with Jean and how you would put her to sleep with your soothing voice. You would read the book on extremely busy days where she would come home stressed from how many citizen's requests she had to take care of that day.
You looked up to the clock in the room, it was only five o'clock. It would be at least another two hours before the Grand Master decided to call it a night and come home to you.
You sighed, the room quiet and very lonely. Your eyes began to droop, sleepiness taking over quickly. The spot on the couch you were in was extremely comfortable, the blanket wrapped around yourself smelled of your Jean.
You began to doze off, the book still in your lap. Eventually, completely going out like a light, the sun finally begin to set. It wouldn't be long until Jean came home to find a sleeping you on the couch.
About an hour and a half later, the door to your home creaked open. A pair of footsteps walked around the house, putting their coat on the coat wrack, taking off their shoes and putting their sword in it's safe place for the night.
The Grand Master quietly walked upstairs to your room completely walking past you in the living room, expecting you to already be in bed waiting for her. But as soon as she opened the door, the bed was empty which left her with a puzzled face.
"Y/N?" Jean called out, a confused look on her face as she walked downstairs to your living room and kitchen. "Where are you?" Her voice rang out until her eyes finally settled on a sleeping you.
Your figure was curled up on the couch, Jean's book in your lap. You had been softly snoring, clutching the blanket around yourself. Jean's face softened and went over to you, running her fingers over the top of your head to your cheek. Her lips peck your forehead and she turns to the book on your lap.
She grabs it and puts it to the side, before picking you up in her arms. You stir in your sleep, Jean shushing you. "Go back to sleep, Y/N." She said and placed another kiss onto your forehead.
The two of you make your way upstairs and finally into your bedroom, where she places you on the bed and crawls in with you.
"Jean?" You say and curl up to her side immediately, laying your head on her chest. "Yes?" She responded and you say, "Can you come home earlier? You come home so late and we never get any time to spend together." You said sleepily, arms wrapping around yourself and a kiss placed ontop of your head.
"I wish I could, Y/N. The people of Mondstadt need me too." You whine at her words, "Well, I need you more." Jean's heart explodes at your words, her arms tighten around you.
"How does coming home at dinner time sound? No more late nights, dinner time or even earlier." Her fingers run through your hair, a smile forms on your face. "Yaaaaay!" You say, slowly falling back asleep.
Your legs entwine with Jean's, the lights shut off and you both cuddle each other as your visions go blank. Your mind a little more soothed than before, knowing that Jean promised you that she'd come home earlier to you. Even if it was just a few hours, it meant seeing her more each day more than you normally would.