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It was night time and Alastor and Rosie just finished eating, Alastor was in his room when Rosie came in and he quickly hide something behind his back.

Rosie: good night Ala-

Rosie: what's the blue thing behind your back Al

She said with a smile.

Alastor: n-nothing good night

Rosie wanted to know what he was hiding so she walked up to him really close.

Alastor: R-Rosie

Then Rosie grabbed the thing behind Alastor.

Alastor thoughts: oh no her beauty tricked me

Rosie took one look at what she was holding and burst out laughing.

Rosie: Alastor why do you have a stuffed dog

Alastor: give dog back and he is not just a stuffed dog

Alastor realised what he just said.

Alastor: I mean no I don't

Rosie just continued to laugh Alastor rolled his eyes and put the stuffed dog back in a drawer not before placing a kiss on it but he made sure that Rosie didn't see that.

He turned around and wanted to get some revenge he walked up to Rosie put a hand on her chin.

Rosie: A-Alastor what are you doing

She whisperd Alastor didn't respond he just looked at her then he put a hand on her back and Rosie started to blush then Alastor brought his face closer to hers and then BOOP Alastor raised a finger and booped her on the nose.

Rosie: w-w-what


Rosie was a blushing mess Alastor looked at her still holding her, he saw confusion and he saw disappointment in her eyes why was there disappointed in her eyes.

Rosie was disappointed because she thought they were going to kiss.

Rosie: well I better be off to bed

Alastor: good night my dear and please don't tell anyone about the dog

Rosie: okay

Later that night Rosie woke up because of a nightmare she normally didn't get bothered by nightmares but this one was deferent, it was about the way she died she woke up breathing heavily and her eyes were gray she knew she wasn't going to sleep so she walked over to Alastor's room she knocked on the door and waited.

Rosies thoughts: maybe I should go back to my room I'm waking up Alastor because of a nightmare come on Rosie

Just as she was about to turn back the door opened.

Alastor: Rosie what brings you by

Alastor then saw how grey her eyes were and he felt angry at the thought that someone made her cry.

Rosie: I-um I-I had a... nightmare

Rosie said looking away Alastors anger faded and he looked at Rosie then opened the door more for her.

Alastor: would you like to come in and talk about it

Rosie nodded then she looked up and blushed Alastor didn't have a shirt on Alastor noticed the look on her face he then realised why she had that look.

Alastor: oh sorry my dear

Rosie: it's okay

Rosies thoughts: Believe me its just fine, Rosie stop

Rosie came inside and they sat on the bed.

Alastor: so my rose what was this dream about

Rosie: I was in my imporiam then the cops burst through the door they were going to arrest me for the murder of 102 people I-I ran down the stairs and tripped and went through the window

Rosie started to cry unable to say any more Alastor held her close and she just cried in his chest.

Alastor: it's okay my rose you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to

Rosie: thank you Alastor

Then Alastor had an idea.

Alastor: Rosie if you don't want to be alone tonight then you can stay with me for the night

Rosie was shocked but she didn't want to be alone.

Rosie: okay

And they both fell asleep.

Alastor woke up to Rosie mumbling something in her sleep it was still night time and he noticed that him and Rosie were cuddling each other he liked it, it was warm he tried to listen to the her mumbling and he was shocked at what he heard.

Rosie: Al-Alastor Alastor Ala stor-oh Alastor

Alastor didn't know what to think about that but things got weirder Rosie started kissing Alastor's neck Alastor didn't know what to do about this but he couldn't say he hated this soon he fell asleep with Rosie kissing his neck.

The next morning Alastor and Rosie were having breakfast then Rosie's ghosts came in and started kleening.

Ghost: hi Alastor and Rosie how did you two sleep

Rosie: I slept wonderful

Rosie whisper loud enough for only Alastor to hear: I definitely didn't find out Alastor has a stuffed dog

Alastor: I also slept well

Alastor whisper loud enough for Rosie to hear: I definitely didn't hear Rosie moan my name and kiss my neck

Rosie blushed RED

Rosies thouts: HE KNOWS

That night Rosie was on the balcony she still couldn't believe she kissed Alastor's neck and then she heard Alastor behind her.

Alastor: hello my dear

Rosie: hi Al

They stood in silence for a while.

Rosie: I'm so sorry for kissing you-

Alastor put a hand on Rosies cheek and kissed her she was shocked but she kissed back when they broke the kiss they looked at each other and Alastor immediately said.

Alastor: I love you Rosie

Rosie: w-what

Alastor: I love you

Rosie: I love you too Alastor

And they kissed again.

Then they heard clapping they looked down at the garden and saw the ghosts clapping they Both rolled their eyes and said good night and went to bed

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Then they heard clapping they looked down at the garden and saw the ghosts clapping they Both rolled their eyes and said good night and went to bed.

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