A Little Surprise

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Rosie and alason were at the hotel an extermination was about to begin Alastor was at the carnival he put vox in a cage they couldn't risk anyone saving him so they brought him to the carnival. Alastor was going to end this one's and for all the plan was Rosie and alason were going to stay at the hotel during the extermination and Alastor was going to stay at the carnival during the extermination.

Alastor: he made a mistake kidnapping my daughter

Cody: ok let's go inside we can watch from the kitchen

Delilah: have any last words

Vox: i'll be back and i'll kill you all

Alastor: hahahahahaha

Alastor: sure whatever you say

Dugge: good night fool

They went inside and heard the siren they watched from the kitchen as they tore Vox apart Vox looked at Alastor one more time before everything went black Alastor mouthed the words by bitch.

Jr: so who wants to watch a movie

Everyone: sure

[meanwhile with Rosie]

The power went out at the hotel Husk and Angel were putting Mark and alason to bed, Rosie was sitting on the couch in the lobby Vaggie, Charlie and Sevithian were talking at the bare Charlie got up and walked towards Rosie to see if she needed anything but Nifty beat her to it.

Rosie: alright Nifty I would like some tea I also need some sweat pants and figure out a way to put on the power

Nifty: ok

Nifty ran off and and Charlie approached Rosie.

Charlie: Rosie why do you need sweat pants?

Rosie: my water just broke which reminds me we need to prepare


Rosie: ... Yes

Charlie: Rosie this is serious we need to get you to one of the rooms

Rosie: I'm nowhere near giving birth I haven't even had my first CONTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Charlie: was that a contraction

Rosie: no..... That was just a weird yawn

She lied.

Charlie: Comon we are going to the room

Rosie: but Alastor is not hear

Charlie: I'm sorry Rosie but you can't hold in a baby

Charlie and savithian helped Rosie up they were about to walk up the stairs when Angel and Husk walked down.

Angel: where are you guys going

Charlie: her water just broke

Angel: your having the baby that's great ne-

Rosie grabbed Angel's shoulders.


Rosie: he's impatient as you can see

They went up stairs Charlie put Rosie in a room and she called Alastor.

[the call]

Alastor: what you're having the baby now

Rosie: yes I need you and Abigaile

Alastor: i'll be right there

Rosie: no you'll die if you go outside

Just then the phone cut.

Angel: hey Ro Ro

Rosie: I hate it when you call me that

Angel: ya anyway want something to eat


Charlie: OK Rosie just breath

[Meanwhile with Alastor]

Alastor: I can't believe I'm going to miss the birth of my own son

Cody: no you're not I invented this machine that makes you invisible just long enough for you to go outside get Abigaile and get to the hotel

Alastor: thank you so much Cody

Alastor ran out and to Abigaile's house.

Alastor: mom! mom! its me Alastor

Abigaile: Alastor what are you doing outside-

Abigaile stopped as there was no one outside.

Abigaile: Alastor

Alastor: mom I'm invisible I need to turn you invisible so that we can go to the hotel and help Rosie she's giving birth

Before Abigaile could say anything Alastor turnd her invisible and draged her out they ran to the hotel and turned visible again they ran upstairs.

Rosie: are.... They.... Here... Yet

Vaggie: not yet-

Alastor: of course we are you don't think I would miss this

Rosie: Alastor

Abigaile: everyone except for Rosie and Alastor get out there are to many people in this room and there is about to be one more so out

Everyone went out and waited.

Angel: I wonder what is taking so long even alason didn't take this long

Charlie: I hope she's ok

Then Abigaile opend the door.

Abigale: come in

They went in Rosie held a little boy in her arms, Alastor was facing the window they could only see his back.

Everyone: awwww!

Rosie: what's better than a baby

Everyone looked confused by her question.

Charlie: um nothing

Rosie: wrong two babies

Then Alastor turned around to reveal a baby girl in his arms

Everyone: yay!!

Husk: so what are you going to name them

Alastor: everyone meet our son Roy and our daughter Betty

Charlie: they are so cute

Then a very sleepy looking alason walked in

alason: hi

Alastor: alason would you like to meet your new brother and sister

alason: ya

She looked at them then fell asleep

Vaggie: weren't you supposed to only have one baby-

Alason: I guess twins run in the family right bro

Alastor: Alason, Lue I'm so glad you made it

Alason: ow my- they are so cute

Roy and Betty had Rosie's eyes and hair and only Roy had Alastor's ears.

Charlie: gasp

Seviathian: what's wrong

Charlie: my water just broke

Abigaile: OK Charlie to the next room come on

Charlie's baby had blonde hair with a green streak of hair in the side, she also had Charlie's chubby and pink cheeks
She had long lashes and yellow eyes with green pupils and her name was emerald.

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