💞Roy's Girlfriend 💞

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It was a big night for Roy it was the grand opening of his art gallery.

[in other words a building that was filled with his art]

Alastor's friends Timmy and Rebecca were visiting hell so Alastor was excited.

Alastor waited at the hotel for them with his other friends.

JR: so when are they gonna get here

Cody: they should be here any second

Delilah: we've been waiting for hours I'm starting to think they are not coming

Alastor: they are-

Just then the door bell rang.

Alastor: they are here

JR: took them long enough

Alastor opened the door and let them in.

Timmy: hey guys

They all huged.

Delilah: we need to catch up

Rebecca: yes we should but first we want you all to meet our daughter

Timmy: her name is Daisy 🏵️

[she was a teenager like Roy and Bettys age]

Daisy: hi

Delilah: you have a daughter and you didn't even tell us

Rebecca: we are sorry

Alastor: she is beautiful, hello I'm Alastor I'm a good friend of your parents

Daisy smile and shook Alastor's hand then Roy walked in all dressed up for his big day.

Timmy: no way! is this Roy?

Roy: ya it's me great for you, you have five minutes to take pictures😎

Alastor: enough Roy, shouldn't you be getting ready


As Roy argued with his DAD, Daisy couldn't stop starring at Roy she thought he was handsome.

Alastor: OK Roy stop, Timmy how long are you planning to stay here

Timmy: a week

Rebecca: what should he be getting ready for

Alastor: he's opening his art gallery tonight

Rebecca: so he's an artist

Alastor: Roy loves art

Rosy: boys it's almost time to go

Alastor: Roy go get Gus and your sisters

Roy: alright

Alastor: OK we will catch up when we get back Charlie will show you to your room

Timmy: alright

Alastor: OK everyone let's go

At the art gallery.

Roy: and I call this painting dead man

It was a painting of a decomposing body.

Betty: t-that is fucking terrifying

alason: I like it


Rosy: congratulations my dear

Roy: thanks mom-

Roy spotted a girl.

Roy's thoughts: my next victim

Roy was a womaniser and he was a good one it was almost like a gift he always gets a girl to go out with him and then he leaves her when he gets bored of her.

Betty: here he goes again

Roy: hey so you like art

Girl: ya I love art

Roy: well I happen to be the owner of this place

Girl: cool

Roy: so wanna go out

Girl: ... No Im Fine

Roy: I know of course you do- wait what

Girl: no I'm OK..... By

Roy was shocked never has a girl ever regected him before.

Roy: what just happened

Gus: I think she said no

Roy: this can't be happening am I losing it

Betty: it was one girl get over it


Because Alastor's friends were in hell they were staying in at the happy hotel although Roy wasn't happy.

They walked though the doors and saw everyone doing thair own thing.

Charlie: hey how was it

Alastor: it was-

Roy: fucking awful

Mark: hi alason

alason: hi Mark

They lean in for a kiss but Roy walked in between them and said

Roy: your relationship is doomed

Roy walked up stairs.

Angel: what was that about

Alastor: it's a long story

they told them what happened.

Rebecca: that's it

Alastor: pritty much kids time to go to bed

Everyone: ok

Rosie: I hope he will be alright

Alastor: I'm sure he will

The next few day Betty, alason and Daisy became friends she even told them about her crush on Roy Betty told her to be careful he is a womaniser after all.

One day alason saw Roy sitting outside sulking.

alason: Hey Roy what's up

Roy: you know

alason: you know I have this friend, have you met Daisy

Then Daisy popped up.

Daisy: OK i'll take it from here good bye

alason walked away.

Daisy: I love your eyes, you take care of your family and make them proud I also love your art and I'm seeing my moment so would you wake up and notice me

Roy: Daisy I see you

Daisy: me too

They shared a kiss and for the first time he met someone he didn't want to hurt he fell in love for the first time.😍

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