A New Happy Hotel Worker

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[the girl in the picture is Betty NOT MY PICTURE]

Betty and Roy were walking through the streets of hell, Roy was going to Rosie's inporiam Roy loved working with her he loved making clothes he liked modelling he liked art and he liked girls Betty was going to the happy hotel, her and Emerald opened a restaurant there she loves cooking and ever since the news about Vaggie going to heaven spread demons were actually coming to the hotel and because of alasons songs and Betty's food they were coming often.

[back to the story]

Betty and Roy were walking through the streets of hell it wasn't safe in hell so each carried a pockets knife with them then Roy saw a dark ally.

Roy: hey Betty let's take a short cut

Betty: I don't know if we should, dad and mom told us to stick through this path and to stick together

Roy: but if we take a short cut then we'll get there quicker or are you scared of the dark

Betty: I'm not scared of any thing

They walked through the ally Betty was scared and Roy was confident a little to confident he walked with Alastor's perfect posture and just when they were about to walk out the ally someone grabbed Betty's arm.



Stranger: no

They couldn't see how he looked he was wearing a cloak and a mask.

He pushed Roy down and pinned Betty against the wall.

Stranger: let's have some fun

Roy got up and he was mad.


Roy tackeld him down but he was strong he pushed Roy of and proceeded to strangle him Betty took out her pocket knife and stabed his arm he screamed in pain and let go of Roy they ran out and didn't look back.

Betty: next time we're taking our usual way

Roy: ya ok

Roy went to Rosie's inporiam and Betty went to the happy hotel they didn't tell them any thing that happened.

Betty: Charlie would you like to try my new batch of cup cakes

Emerald : mom try it's really good

Charlie: sure

Then Rosie walked in.

Alastor: darling where is Roy

Rosie: I thought he was here

Alastor: wasn't he supposed to spend the day with you

Rosie: yes he was with me but then he yelled hot bitch and ran outside I thought he came here

Then Betty walked up to them and offered them cup cakes.

Alastor: no thank you sweetheart

Then Roy ran inside and locked the front door he was out of breath.

Alastor: Roy why are you out of breath

Roy: daddy... 4 girls at the same time

Betty: I told you he was a womaniser

Roy: shut up Betty spaghetti

Betty: stop calling me that

Emerald nugged Betty and she noded her head.

Betty: um mom dad

Alastor and Rosie: yes

Betty: um me and Emerald are.... are um dating

Alastor and Rosie looked at Emerald .

Alastor: Well no man is good enough for my daughter so it might as well be you

Betty and Emerald smiled and hugged.

Roy: ha gay

Betty just glared at him.

Seviathian: Charlie is calling a meeting

Charlie: every one I'd like you to meet Eddie he's a new worker at the hotel he will be helping Betty and Emerald in the kitchen

Betty: but I don't need help

Charlie: more demons are coming these days I figured you'd need all the help that you can get

Eddie: were going to have so much fun

Betty took one look at him and she got an off vibe from him he was in his late 50s and way too friendly to a teanage girl over the time that he worked there. Betty tried her best to ignore him he would stick around long after his shift was over to talk to her and Emerald, he always wanted to lick the bowl after they were done baking he would always stand by the raks or ingredients close enough for her hand to slightly brush up against him he always stood a little to close he constantly asked Betty about her life what she liked what she did for fun if she had a boyfriend almost daily he would tell her how a pretty girl like her should have a boyfriend and that maybe a boyfriend would be good for her she told him countless times that her and Emerald were dating but then the concert invites started everyday he had tickets to one concert or another Betty knew that she should not go anywhere with him she didn't want to. Then her birth day cameup he got Betty a shirt which was two sizes to small he told her to send him a photo and proceeded to give her his number he asked for her number she said no he even asked Emerald for her number she had her back and said no Betty told Charlie about this but she laughed it of.

Charlie: oh classic Eddie

When he wanted a hug from her.

Charlie: there's Eddie for ya

Offering to give he alcohol.

Charlie: Eddie you scallywag

When he showed her a scar from a dangerous surgery Betty knew he was lying because the scar was on his arm but she recognised the scar but she couldn't put her finger on it, that was Eddie have no respect for personal space Betty was repulsed by him then one day Eddie was gone Charlie asked to see Betty in her office she told her Eddie had been fired because Eddie was a sex offender Alastor was able to catch him beat his ass and then trap him and the it hit Betty the scar Eddie was the man in the ally.

Betty: how did you find out about this

Charlie: he tried to rape Emerald last night

Emerald: I'm OK he wasn't secussesful

Emerald and Betty huged and kised each other.

Betty: I'm just glad you're ok

Alastor: don't worry Betty he's gone now

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