alasons New Friend

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Rosie, Alastor, Charlie Sevithian, Angel and Husk brought their children to the park. Betty was playing with Emerald, Roy and Mark were playing together alason was bored usually she would play with Mark but they were playing a game she didn't want to play she sat on the playground and then someone caught her eye she saw a girl with short dark blue hair she had two purple horns she had a small skull in her hair purple lips gold half liddid eyes a moon necklace a blue shirt that showed off her shoulders and belly button a short black skirt and black leggings and purple shoes and blue star shaped freckles she was reading a book she looked about alason's age. alason stood up and walked over and the first thing she noticed was she didn't have a smile.

alason: hi I'm alason

Girl: ...

alason: um I noticed you look bored so would you like to-

Girl: my name is Luna

alason: wow what a pretty name

[if you ever watched my little pony Lunas personality is similar to maud pies]

[fun fact my dogs name is Luna]

[fun fact my dogs name is Luna]

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[any way moving on with the story]

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[any way moving on with the story]

After that Luna and alason became best friends, alason introduced Luna to Mark and they also became friends alason also noticed Luna never had a smile she wondered why

alason: hay Luna why don't you ever smile

Luna: what are you talking about I'm smiling right now

alason was confused Luna's expression didn't change.

alason: um Luna your expression didn't change

alason then stood up she started singing making jokes dressing funny even pulled a few pranks but her expression never change alason was out of breath.

Luna: thanks a lot I haven't laughed this much in a while

alason thoughts: maybe she can't move her face

Then they got hit with a water balloon.

Roy: that's what you two get for pranking us

Betty: sorry

Roy: don't say sorry Betty its a prank

Luna and alason just started laughing Luna laughed without a smile.

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