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Alastor and Rosie felt so sorry for alason she was still traumatised from being kidnapped she was scared to go outside or even in the garden she never went anywhere  without her crocodile, one day Alastor and Rosie had a plan.

Alastor: alason tomorrow we are going on vacation

alason: really where?

Alastor: it's a surprise now go to bed

alason: ok

alason got in bed and watched her crocodile sleep until she fell asleep the next day Rosie woke her up.

Rosie: alason wake up its morning

alason got dressed but then Alastor put a blindfold on her and she started to feel scared but she felt them leading her downstairs and in a room they took her blindfold off and she was in front of a portal they threw their bags in then Rosie grabbed alason and jumped in Alastor jumped after them.

When alason opened her eyes she looked at her parents and screamed her parents  were humans, her mom had blond hair now and brown eyes her dad had brown hair and brown eyes Alastor calmed her down and gave her a mirror she was also a human she had brown eyes and hair they put the blindfold on her again and went upstairs then took it off again alason then explored around then she went outside Alastor and Rosie smiled she actually went outside without her crocodile and she noticed that it was so different from hell, the sky and water were blue and the forest was was green instead of dark and scary

Alastor: alason come here we are going to the airport

Alastor, Rosie and alason went to the airport and went on vacation to lap land.

[now this is everything they did on vacation]

They went skiing , dog sledging Rosie had to hold Alastor's hand when he saw the dogs, they made ginger bread cookie's, they played in the snow and did whatever there is to do in lap land.

[I've never been there so I don't really know what is there to do]

Alastor, Rosie and alason went back home and through the portal but with the blindfold she didn't know why they put a blindfold on her but she didn't ask.

When they were home Alastor and Rosie noticed alason was going outside again and she was jumpy again and she smiled more again.

Rosie: finally we have our little girl back

Alastor: yes we do my Rose.. yes we do

[sorry its so short]

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