The Wedding

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Everyone was at the hotel, they were talking about the wedding and planning it, the wedding was tomorrow and Rosie was really stressed.

Rosie: so you're saying the chef is there but the food is not and the drinks are there but the bartender is not

Alastor: OK Rosie give me the phone I'll handle this

Jr:Rosie Alastor, I noticed that you don't have anyone to do the ceremony

Alastor: yes but we were just going to ask charli-

Jr: please let me do it

Rosie: what

Jr: let me do it

Alastor: no Jr

Jr: why

Alastor: because sweet words are really not your thing and I will not have you insult us on our wedding

Jr: please Al I promise I'll be kind I won't insult you or Rosie-

Alastor: fine but you say one wrong thing you are being replaced by Charlie, got it?

Jr: yes i got it

So everyone continued to plan and talk until they went to bed the next morning Rosie was in her wedding dress and ready.

Abigail: you look gorgeous Rosie

Rosie: thank you, Nifty did a great job

Nifty: thanks

Charlie: don't forget these

Charlie handed Rosie flowers then they heard a car outside.

Vaggie: who is that

Charlie: the angels must have arrived I'll get the door

Vaggie: I'll come with you I can't wait to see Alason

Abigail: where is your veil

Nifty: I think it's in my room

Abigail : well let's go get it then

They left and Rosie was left alone with Mizzy.

Rosie: Mizzy I have something to ask you

Mizzy: what is it

Rosie: will you give me away

Mizzy eyes filled with tears.

Mizzy: you want me to-

Rosie: of course Mizzy I mean my parents aren't going to do it, might as well be you

Mizzy: yes I will

[meanwhile with Alastor]

Alastor: so what do you think

Angel: your looking banging

Henry: I can't believe my son is getting married it seems like just yesterday you were throwing the TV in the lake because I grounded you and now you're getting married and having a baby-

Then the doors flew open.

Alastor: Lue you made it

Lue: I wasn't going to miss this day

They went downstairs and saw Alastors friends only the guy friends, all the girls were with Rosie and they all jumped in the car and drove to the forest and the girls jumped into another car and drove to the same place. When they got there everyone took their places and the music started to play, Rosie walked down the Isle with Mizzy and when they got to the alter Mizzy still huld onto Rosie's hand.

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