Halloween Stories

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[I know halloween is over but I want to make a Halloween chapter]

alason, Betty, Roy, and Gus were camping in the woods on Halloween night they were telling scary stories.

[Alastor and Rosie were not there, they didn't want to go camping so ya]
Anyway Betty was reading a story to them.

Betty: and even to this very day I feel the insects crawling inside me in my skin in abdomen even in my ANTENNA

Everyone: gasp

Roy: oh snap he turned into an insects in the end

alason: well I wouldn't like turning into an insect that would really bug me hahaha

Gus: well that's just great after that story I feel like I'm covered in bugs I need a shower

Roy: that's good you feel like your covered with bugs that's how you know it's a good story

Betty: should we do another

Gus: do we have to I'm already really on edge

Then Henry jumped out of the bushes.

Everyone: AAAAA

Henry: my apologies I hope I didn't startle you haha

Gus: no I-its just that we were reading scary stories

Henry: scary stories why those are my forte and trust me when I say.... my stories ARE TO DIE FOR HAHAHA

Roy: I'm not scared you guys are scared

Henry: my first story perhaps my creepiest is called the tag, ther once saw a very Sall deer named gus that was annoyed by the tag on his mattress that said do not remove every night the tag tickled his toes finally one day he tore the tag off in frustration but heard a scream as he did the tiny dear looked all over the place but he could not figure out where the scream came from later that night as gus prepared for bed the light's suddenly went out, Gus was very frightened not to mention very very small

Gus: ok we get it

Henry: who was there wonderd Gus what could it be as he reached for his flashlight a shadow appeared in the doorway frantically Gus tried to get the flashlight to turn it on was far to big for him to properly handle and because he was so tiny before he could react the figure reached down AND TOR GUS'S BRAINS OUT HE SCREEMED IN AGONY AND DROPPED THE FLASHLIGHT WHICH FINALLY FLICKERD ON TO REVEAL THE MATRESS

Everyone: AAAAAA

Roy: wait the mattress is exactly who I thought it was gonna be

Betty: guys where is Gus

Henry: oh he must have gone to use the bathroom

Roy: that's actually a good point he usually pees his pants at scary stories it's a good thing he made it to a bathroom this time

Betty: our little brother is growing up

alason: I wouldn't say he's growing hahaha

Henry: speaking of bathrooms would you like to hear my next story called toilet monster

Roy: I guess we have some time to kill before Gus gets back

Henry: time to kill indeed hahaha do not flush paper towels read the sign above the toilet but a teenager named Roy could not be bothered to obey the rules he was in his mind to cool for the rules so day after day he flushed paper towels down the toilet what's the worst thing that could happen he thought the toilet gets closed or something but Roy was wrong because the warning sign was not there because the pipes might clog the sign was to stop people from feeding the toilet monster that lived deep within the pipes thanks to Roy's negligence day after day the toilet monster feasted on its favourite food paper towels and grew larger and larger until one day it grw to big for the toilet and burst out hungry for more paper towels as fate
would have it foolish Roy was holding the paper towel roll and at that very moment the monster DEVOURED THE PAPER TOWELS AND ROY ALONG WITH IT

Betty and alason: AAAAAAA

Betty: hold on now Roy is missing

Henry: oh he must have needed to go by socks or something

Betty: that makes no sense

Henry: ah but you know what would make sense listening to another story

Betty: no thank you

Henry: I heard yes please... Very well this one I like to call boring once upon a time there was a boring teenager called Betty who wrote boring math equations on the white board after boring her entire class half to death her insistent scrawling actually bored a hole through the board boring Betty fell through the hole in the world she had board and found in a world filled with wild boars one of the boars charged towards her but the boar stopped in his tracks why would I attack you? asked the boar your one of us, Betty was very confused because she was most serenity not a boar and that's where the first TUSK JUTYED OUT OF HER MOUTH THEN ANOTHER AND A TAIL AND A SNOUT AND BEFORE SHE KNEW IT SHE HAD BECOME THE ONLY THING SHE KNEW HOW TO BE AN UTTER AND COMPLETE BORE

alason: um that wasn't a very scary ending

Henry: that's because I haven't gotten to the end yet do you know what those boars did day in and day out for the rest of ther boring boar lives

alason: um.... what did they do-


alason: AAAAAAA

alason: where is Betty

Henry: yeah Betty must have left to see that new art exhibit about slugs downtown you know

alason: well actually that does sound like Betty

Henry: ya of course it does and now then I have one last story to tell you and I assure you it's going to slay

alason: if the story is half as funny as you are this girl is excited to hear it

Henry: as fate would have it the story just so happens to be about a teenager named alason I call it alason's slice

alason: very nice

Henry: every day alason's mother would tell her to not run with knives you'll slice yourself wide open she used to warn her but did alason ever listen she did not

alason: how could she ther just to fun hahahaha

Henry: please let me finish the story one day alason was out playing with

alason: her friend and siblings

Henry: no actually she was playing with knives

alason: aww knives are so dull it should definitely be her friend aren't you glad I'm contributing to this story

Henry: I'm not I'm a master story teler you need to let me tell my story the way I want it

alason: awww come on let someone else take a stab at the story would ya hahaha

Henry was getting annoyed so he just walked away and as soon as he did everyon apeard again.

Gus: wow guys I just had the craziest dream

Roy: me too

Betty: really the dream I was having was pretty boring

alason: guys don't worry I cleaned up the whole scary story mess

Roy: Gus you messed your drink on me

Gus: oh sorry

Roy: not to worry Roy's on it the papers towels are right over here and-

Something: girrr

Roy: and that wasn't very smart was it Roy

Than a monster came out of the ground and they all ran away screaming

Everyone: AAAAAAAA

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