Pillow Fort

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Betty was at a sleepover with Emerald at the happy hotel and Mark was going to have a sleepover with alason and Roy at their house.

Mark: hi alason I brought you these

Mark handed her flowers.

alason: awww Mark that is so sweet

Then alason took out some scissors and cut them up.

Mark: what was that fo-

alason: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I enjoy seeing things suffer

Mark: oh right

They went upstairs to Roy and Betty's room when they walked in there was a pillow Fort Roy was inside.

alason: Roy

Roy: hey guys check out my pillow Fort

Mark: cool can we come in

Roy: what's the password

Mark: never mind screw this

alason: is it Roy rules

Roy: your right

They went inside.

Roy: ok guys my pillow fort my rules first rule every one has to do what I say

alason and Mark: ok

Roy: second rule no girls allowed alason get out

alason: Roy that's not fair

Mark: well it is kind of cramped in here

alason: MARK your suppose to be on my side

Mark: well I mean it is kinda cramped in here alason you have to admit that

alason: fine but I'm going to build my own pillow Fort


alason crawled out and started making her own pillow Fort.

[a few moments later]

Roy: hey Mark wana see how alason's Fort is going

Mark: ya

They took a peak at it and their mouths dropped, opening her Fort was bigger and better alason noticed they were looking at her Fort.

alason: hey who wants to come over to Fort alason

Mark: me-

Roy: no one we are perfectly happy here

alason: suit yourself

Mark: hey Roy maybe I should go under cover and knock the Fort down from the inside

Roy: that's brilliant

Mark went over to her pillow Fort.

Mark: alason

alason: hey where is Roy?

Mark: in his Fort can I join yours

alason: sure

[mean while with Roy]

Roy: that's it Mark make your Fort proud

[a few moments later]

Roy: any moments now that Fort is gonna come crumbling down

[some more moments later]

Roy fell asleep then he woke up and scrambled to his knees.

Roy: I'm gonna miss it.... he's still not done

Roy got mad and went to her Fort.


alason: ya

Roy: where is Mark?

alason: he's in here why??

Roy: I would like to speak to him

alason went inside the Fort to get Mark.

alason: Mark hehehehe g-get out of the chocolate fountain you crazy cat

Mark: aww why

alason: Roy is at the door

Mark: what does he want

alason: I don't know

Mark went out of the Fort.

Mark: what do you want I'm trying to get back in there

Roy: get back in there

Mark: ya

Roy: you were supposed to knock it down

Mark: oh ya dude I was so close but then I found out that there is a whole swimming pool in there

Roy: a whole pool

Mark: ya

Roy: so are you going to knock it down or what

Mark: no sorry

Then Mark went back inside and Roy was furious he got a drone and went inside his Fort then he made the drone crash into her pillow Fort making the whole Fort crumble.


alason: Mark what happened

Mark: Roy he's the only person that could have done this

alason took the drone and threw it at Roy's Fort.

Roy: guys you destroyed my fort

alason: do give up

Roy: give up

alason: ya!

Roy: give up

Mark: ya!

Roy: give up

alason and Mark: ya


Then Alastor came in.

Alastor: OK guys time to go to sleep-

Alastor: Roy your room is a mess clean it up

Roy: but dad...

Alastor: now

Rosie: listen to your father Roy.

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