We Did It Again

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Rosie has been feeling sick the past few days she didn't want to scare Alastor or alason so she didn't tell them then one day when Alastor and alason went to the park Rosie took a pregnancy test.

Rosie: ok Rosie you can do this

When she was done she read it and.

Rosies thoughts: I'm pregnant

Then that night when Alastor had put alason to bed he went into his room and when he walked in he saw Rosie but instead of her usual dress she wore a shirt and pants he saw some words on her shirt but he couldn't see it because she was holding a present in her hands over the words on her shirt.

Alastor: what's this

Rosie handed him a present.

Rosie: open it

Alastor: alright

Alastor opened it and his eyes filled with tears.

[happy tears]

It was baby clothes that said I can't wait to wear you dad

Alastor: so you're

Alastor then saw what it said on her shirt it said we did it again.

Alastor laughed and hugged Rosie.

Alastor: I'm so happy

Rosie: me too, so when are we going to tell alason

Alastor: well tell her tomorrow

The next morning Alastor and Rosie walked into alason's room she was playing with her toys and entertainment.

[her crocodile]

Alastor put down a baby bottle in front of her she was confused.

Rosie: alason what uses a baby bottle

alason: baby's

alason: gasp

alason: are you saying your pregnant

Rosie: yes

alason jumped up and huged her parents.

The next night Alastor and Rosie invited Abigaile and Henry over to tell them the news about the baby they all sat down and ate there for while they talked.

Alastor: mom, dad we actually do have something to tell you

Abigale: what is it Alastor?

Rosie gave them a bag they looked cunfused but they opened it and it was baby clothes that said grandma and grandpa I can't wait to meet you their eyes filled with tears.

Abigaile: so you're pregnant?

Rosie: yes

Henry: we are so happy for you

A few days later Charlie had a big announcement to make so she invited everyone to the hotel Alastor and Rosie also decided to make their announcement that they were having a baby.

Everyone was in the dining room alason and Mark were talking and playing then Charlie and Sevithian stood up and made their announcements.

Charlie: so our announcements is I'm pregnant

Everyone cheered and congradulating them.

Charlie: and Alastor and Rosie also have an announcement to make as well

Alastor and Rosie stood up.

Rosie: I'm pregnant as well

Everyone cheered again.

Charlie: I think our kids are going to be friends

Rosie: me too

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