Excuse Me That's My Baby

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[this one is not about Rosie or Alastor or alason or the twins it's about Charlie and  Sevithian and Emerald ther daughter]

Charlie and Sevithian went to the store to buy some food while they were shopping Emerald started crying so Sevithian decided to take her to the car and drive around a little to calm her when he got back Emerald was asleep he then put her in a baby carrier and waited outside the store for Charlie then a female demon started walking towards them it wasn't uncommon for a female demon to walk up to them wanting to play with their baby but he just got her to sleep so just as he was getting ready to tell her she couldn't play with her, the lady just took the carrier and started walking, she didn't run she walked Sevithian stood up.

Sevithian: excuse me thats my baby

The lady just continued to walk Sevithian started yanking the carrier out of her hands.

Random lady: ahh help this man is trying to steal my baby

Everyone looked at them when three demons came and beat Sevithian, he was on the ground when Charlie came out of the store and saw her husband being beaten up and saw her baby with a random lady, Charlie felt relieved she thought that while her husband was being beaten up this lady took her baby out of harm's way, Charlie then took out her wallet and waved it in front of them.

Charlie: stop take whatever you want please leave him alone

Random demon: he tried to steal a baby

Charlie was confused but then she looked for the lady with her baby she saw her walking towards her car Charlie ran after her, Charlie's eyes turned red and her horse started to show she yanked the woman by her hair until she dropped the carrier when she did she ran away Charlie picked up her baby and walked to Sevithian they got into their car and drove to the hotel Sevithian was furious, Charlie was shaking she thought she was going to watch her daughter get taken away when they arrived at the hotel Sevithian took Emerald and went upstairs to put her to bed he held her tight he almost thought he would never see his daughter again Charlie went to the party room to find Vaggie on one knee and Alason with her hands over her mouth tears forming in her eyes Alason shook her head they huged and Vaggie put a ring on her finger and then something happened that everyone told Charlie was impossible Vaggie turned into an angel.

Charlie: VAGGIE you're an angel and I saw the proposal

Alason: now you can come to heaven with me

Vaggie: ya but I want to have the wedding here I want Charlie to be there

Alason: sure I also want my brother to be here too,
they held a party to celebrate and shared the story of what happened to them today Charlie and Sevithian hoped that they will never see that lady again.

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