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Long chapter❤️


Ammi woke everyone up at freaking eight am cause apparently the private jet maintenance had to change the flight and Dada always likes going to the airport an hour to the time of boarding, I mean why??

After making my bed, I quickly took a bath and rubbed my cream as fast as I could, before I slipped into a black plain Abaya then I applied my lipgloss and kohl before I sprayed perfume and draped the Abaya veil on my head.

"Mima!" Yaya Amma shouted from downstairs and I just ignored her. I looked around for Salma's suitcase but I couldn't find it so I guess I'm the last person as usual. I grabbed my suitcase and handbag before I turned off the lights and sockets in the room. I locked the door and slipped the key into my handbag.

I rolled down the bag with great difficulty before I finally kept it where everyone else's bag was. "Good morning!" I greeted my parents who were already done with their breakfast.

"Morning" They replied.

"Good morning lovely sisters" I sat down beside Yaya Amma and whipped some strawberry Jam on my bread.

"Good morning Mima" "Morning Yaya Mima!"

After I gulped down the bread and a bottle Fanta, Dada called us out to keep our bags in the car boot and we did just that before collapsing in the livingrooms.

The maid whom wished all of us a safe trip left after washing the dishes so I guess we're leaving anytime.

"Sadiya, how is your relationship with Faisal?" Dada asked suddenly. "Alhamdulillah" Yaya Amma smiled and I guess everything was alright.

Even though I'm totally against arranged marriages, I'm happy that my sister is happy with the one she's getting married to! I hope he proves to be a good and loyal husband to my sister.

A few minutes later, Ammi came in after making sure all the electronics and lights were off, we all stood up and made our way out of the house.

Third Person's Pov

Both the Usman Dãha's and the Hassan Magaji's were all in the VIP room all waiting for the private jet which belongs to Hassan Magaji to be ready for their trip.

Malika, who is the most excited person amongst all of them was eagerly waiting to finally go to the said Kano State. Everyone in Nigeria knows the states for its traditions and cultures, she even went as far as googling the state on Safari and she couldn't wait to finally see the state with her bare eyes after so many years even though it has changed a lot from the searches she's made.

Not like she's never been to her own state, of course she has but the last time she went there was when she was about 11 years and she can hardly remember anything so why not refresh her brain?!

On the other hand, Salma and Jabbar who are now new friends, were sitting beside each other chatting over everything and nothing and the sight was one to behold as it didn't go unnoticed by their siblings.

"Ha! I hope I get to meet my Prince Charming in Kano!" A very happy Malika giggled.

"Says who has never even been to Kano" Hajara said jokingly

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